7: And I'm Wondering How

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Today's sunrise was not as colorful as the others had been. It was mostly dark, but the charming point of this one that made it different from the rest and a bit difficult to draw was the beams of light that would come through the gaps in the clouds.

She recalled the sunset appearing in a similar way on a dark evening. The evening wasn't dark, but the events that took place were. Sunsets occur every night, but that night in particular she had finally looked away from life and at the sky.

This part has strong depictions of domestic abuse and sexual violence. If you are uncomfortable reading feel free to skip. The '***' symbols will be the indicator that it's over and the font will not be italic anymore either :)

May 26, 2022

"And that's what you get for not taking off your birthday." I chuckled to myself bitterly, entering the two story house that Melanie and I lived in together.

Such a big house for just the two of us, yet my mother insisted on gifting me something grand for graduating a valedictorian.

Coming into the house silently was a bit humbling, Melanie told me she took the night off so we could celebrate my birthday, yet she's not here. She could be out to get something. I had a standard in my mind set for today, that she wouldn't hit me or abuse me today, just celebrate and appreciate me. I have no choice but to hope she holds up to that standard.

Taking off my shoes, and entering the house fully, I glanced out the window of the living room and did a double take at the beautiful sunset. I'm never one to really appreciate the sky. It's not intentional, I just don't care enough, what's the point if sunset happens everyday? It's not special.

But this one was special, the sun shined through the gaps in the clouds, and even though I'm not religious, it looked like Heaven was slowly opening. Or like a goddess was rising. The sky was white, dark grey, and blue, and the yellow shine of the sun beams added a happy contrast.

I wondered into the kitchen, doing my routine of making sure Melanie took her medication for her depression and bipolar disorder. She was supposed to finish both today and get refills tomorrow. But both containers still had today's portion in them. I got an uneasy feeling, not worrying for her, but for myself. I stepped back, planning to encourage her to take them as soon as she came home.

I made myself a glass of green tea with honey and stevia, then I went out to our patio and sat in one of the cushioned chairs that we had never used before. The night was hot, but not stuffy. A nice breeze played with my hair. So, I took my jacket off, revealing the tank top I have on and my bruised upper half. But I didn't have to hide the wounds here.

Not knowing how to relax, it was awkward for me to stare at a slowly moving picture in silence. But soon I found comfort in it and I told myself to appreciate the sky more often. It's been here this whole time.

My heart began racing when I heard Melanie come in from the garage door, her hands full of bags. She didn't stumble as if she was drunk. I put down the glass on the patio table and went inside.

I felt warm. This was new. She hugged me lovingly. I felt warm and almost felt safe.

"Happy birthday, my love." She told me, pecking my lips softly and gesturing for me to take the the flowers she bought for me first. They were beautiful white roses, the bouquet was plentiful, it must have been expensive.  

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