4: Go Help Yourself, I've Opened A Million Doors

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The morning sky was crowded with hot pink clouds, the sun stating that it was on its way by lighting the sky before it was even up. With the moon still in sight, it gave a different key point to this morning's drawing.

Every morning so far was warm, but today it felt like the clouds were a blanket. It was cozy and the perfect temperature.

Wrapped in one of the sheets from the bed, Heather would take a break from drawing just to close her eyes and feel the outside air. Leaning her head back, letting her hair fall back, breathing deeply.

And when she signed her name, the date, and the bucket list for today, she chuckled.

Complete a jigsaw puzzle while drunk

It was the only thing on the list because they went well together. Heather's was to complete a jigsaw puzzle and Lia's was to get drunk. So they decided to put the both together.

"Good morning," Lia hugged her from behind, wearing sheets as well. She kissed Heather's exposed shoulder and glanced at her drawing and then at the signature. She sighed, "I can't read cursive."

"Good, I want to tell you my name myself."

"Are you scared I won't like it?"

"No. I just find it romantic." Heather teased, looking up to kiss Lia on the lips.

But the kiss was cut short when they heard someone enter the apartment from downstairs. It had to be the owner, they're busted.

They rushed around the room, not knowing what to do. It was too late to hide, Bella was lurking, wine glasses from last night were still out and their stuff was scattered all on the floor. When the man entered the room and found two young women in his room naked with only the bed sheets to cover them, he wasn't as surprised as they thought he'd be.

"Jisu, what the hell is going on here? Why are you here?" He questioned.

Heather looked at Lia for an answer, and all Lia said was, "You know me?"

"Your mother always spoke about you, she showed me pictures and your performances. And now she and her husband are dead and you're here with..."

"Heather, others would know me as Lauraline." Heather answered.

The man looked utterly confused and didn't know what to make of the situation. He studied them and their lack of clothes, the room being messy. Clearly they had been living here.

"Is your parents' murderer following you, so you came here?"


"Is it her? Is this woman threatening you?" He gestured at Heather.

"No! We ran away together, it's a long story..."

"Jisu, how am I supposed to believe that when you're covered in bruises, if this woman is keeping you hostage just say so, I can get security and call the police."

"She's not holding me hostage!"

"Look," Heather spoke, "I'm sorry we tricked the front desk woman into letting us in. I'm sorry we trashed your place, we can clean up and leave if you want." She tightening the sheets around herself uncomfortably.

"No, no..." The man shrugged, a heavy sigh leaving him, "I just want an explanation."

So they explained everything to him. The abuse they both went through, how they met, their ten day bucket list. Why they ended up in this LA apartment. Everything. They even confessed to the murders. They thought they were done, that he would call the police.

𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐑𝐞𝐝 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬 |𝐘𝐞𝐣𝐢𝐬𝐮Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang