After The Bloodbath - Terra and Voltus

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 (The bloodbath has just ended, the boy from 3, girl from 5, both from 6 and 7, and the two from 10 have died.)

TERRA and VOLTUS run into each other.

TERRA – AH, oh hi.

VOLTUS – You're not trying to attack me?

TERRA – And you aren't trying to attack me. You're to smart, you know I'm not likely to attack, and you don't want to injure yourself.

VOLTUS – You're quite smart yourself, to figure that out in a few seconds.

TERRA – Listen, we should ally. We're the two cleverest in the arena. Together we could win.

VOLTUS – Alright then, lets sort our stuff out and find a place to stay.

TERRA – I think food and water will be the biggest problem, do you have enough of those?

VOLTUS – I got a pack, I can see what's inside. (She opens her pack, TERRA does the same.)

VOLTUS – I have crackers, a small knife, and some iodine.

TERRA – Good, we'll need that for purifying water. I have two apples, and an orange. Together, we have a fair amount of food, but we should search for nuts and water. I have a bottle, but it's empty.

VOLTUS - At least we have something to carry water in. Do you have any weapons.

TERRA – I have a bat, not sure if that's entirely useful. I also have a coil of wire.

VOLTUS – Excellent, that will be very useful. What's your name, by the way? I'm Voltus, district 5.

TERRA – I'm Terra, district 3. Come on, let's find water. 

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