After the bloodbath - Careers

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Cut to the careers who are at the cornucopia.

CRISTATUS – Well, that was a successful bloodbath. I don't know about you, but I killed two people single-handedly. (Said with pride)

LEVIA – Well I beat you, I killed three.

CALISTA – HA! I beat all of you. Four kills!

LEVIA – Liar!

CALISTA – I can make you my fifth kill if you like.

AJAX – Okay everyone. Let's just calm down a bit.

CALISTA – You are definitely becoming a peacekeeper if you get out of here alive Ajax.

AJAX – Seriously though, Calista, we should get to work. There are a lot of weapons and supplies around that people have dropped. Let's collect them all, then choose one weapon each as our primary weapon. We can have a food pile, and a water pile too. Then we can have a pile for other supplies. After that, we can decide anything else.

LEVIA – Ugh. Why would do that when we could start hunting now?

CALISTA – Levia is right. Who wants to do housekeeping when we could start finding the weaklings.

CRISTATUS – As boring as it is, Levia and Calista, I'm afraid we might have to organize it all. Otherwise, we don't know what we have, and that was the reason the careers lost in one Hunger Games I watched in the training academy. You remember that one Levia?

LEVIA – Oh yea. Those were the careers who didn't realise that they had about six loaves of bread, so they went to find fruit and they ate poison berries and died. I remember that one.

CALISTA – Fine. I suppose we need to see what we have.

AJAX – Great. Let's get going. Oh, by the way, I've been meaning to ask, we thought that girl from District 8 would be a threat, but she got such a low training score. I wonder why that was.

Calista – I expect she just got shocked seeing all the gamemakers in front of her. She might have panicked. If that's the case, she'll be easy prey.

LEVIA – I expect your right, come on everyone.

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