Terra and Voltus use a plan.

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We cut to Voltus and Terra hidden in the trees near the cornucopia, ready to send in a parachute.

TERRA – Good the careers are gone.

VOLTUS – We shouldn't run in with it, encase they come back, but I can throw it in.

TERRA – We can't throw it that far and guarantee it will land.

VOLTUS – Alright then. (He begins to climb down)

TERRA – What are you doing?

VOLTUS – Taking the parachute over there.

TERRA – No. Voltus. I'll do it.

VOLTUS – There isn't any time for arguing electric girl. I'm going and that's final. You're too clever to try and stop me.

TERRA – I know, we're losing time. Just don't die, power boy.

The two smile at each other, and VOLTUS runs off with the parachute, then, there is a sound, and VOLTUS races into the trees. TERRA is incredibly nervous for him. Just then, the careers come back, and TERRA quietly sneaks off and meets up with VOLTUS.

TERRA – You're ok, you're ok, you're ok.

VOLTUS – I'm alright, come on let's get out of here.

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