The careers kill

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Another day, the Careers are waking up.

LEVIA – Right, yesterday was slightly rubbish, except from the bloodbath. Let's eat some of these blueberries here and some bread while we discuss what to do.

AJAX brings over the food to the cornucopia.

CRISTATUS – Thanks, Ajax. Now, I think this is the time where we can go tribute hunting. How should we do it?

CALISTA – Cristatus and Levia search over there, and Ajax and I will search over here, then we cover a lot of ground.

AJAX – Alright. That works.

LEVIA – Ok everyone, finish up your bread and start hunting. I better start hearing some cannons, and they better not be yours.

CALISTA – On it! Come on Ajax.

The careers walk off, and we then see Levia and Cristatus finding and laughing over someone who is on the ground, moaning. Another tribute - Dora is in the trees, terrified.

LEVIA – Hahaha little weakling.

CRISTUATS – How should we kill him, Levia? A spear to the chest, or cut up with a knife?

LEVIA – Hmm, I reckon we should get the knife out.

Just then, Dora tries to drop a knife onto the Careers, but she misses really badly and LEVIA laughs. Dora scuttles away in the trees.

LEVIA – What's this? A knife fallen from the sky.

CRISTATUS – I think someone might be in the trees, Levia. But their aim is so terrible they won't last another day.

Levia laughs, the person on the floor is moaning.

CRISTATUS – aww poor little boy wants to be safe and warm.

LEVIA – Aww how sweet. I think we should use this knife on them.

CRISTATUS – Alright then, may I do the honours.

LEVIA – I get the first cut, then you get the second.

CRISTATUS – Fair enough.

Screen blacks and we hear a scream and a cannon.

LEVIA – It's getting dark, let's get back to the cornucopia.

CRISTATUS – Alright then, a good day's work.

The two walk back and find that CALISTA and AJAX are back already.

CALISTA – How did you do?

CRISTATUS – Quite well, you?

AJAX – Well two idiots were shouting as loudly as they could.

CALISTA – It was the two from district 11, arguing about who knows what, anyway, we killed them both.

LEVIA – Ha, nice work. We got someone too. That makes twelve deaths so far. I think we've earned a break, but this evening we should go out again.

AJAX – Alright then.

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