A short chat with the trio

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We see MARIGOLD, ROSEHIP and JAY drinking and eating.

MARIGOLD – four more cannons. Who do you think died?

JAY – I don't know, maybe that girl from nine, or Terra or Voltus. Or the two from four.

ROSEHIP – I haven't seen any other tribute since we started these games. It could be any of those.

MARIGOLD - I'm surprised that girl from nine lasted so long. I would've expected her to die earlier, she looked so small and weak.

JAY – That might be her strategy though. To keep a low profile.

ROSEHIP – I guess that's the thing with these games, you don't know anything unless you win. (Bitter.) Must be fun for the Capitol.

MAIIGOLD – I know, but we won't help by complaining, anyway, we should get ready to go to sleep soon.

JAY – Night everyone, Rosehip, I think it's time for you to take first watch.


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