Marigold Rosehip and Jay hear the cannons.

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We cut to MARIGOLD, JAY and ROSEHIP sitting in a circle.

MARIGOLD – More cannons, look guys, it's probably an idea to get on the move, if the careers are looking for people.

ROSEHIP – Ok, you guys sort out our stuff, I want to see if there are any plants around I can dig up.

JAY – Ok, good idea. By the way, I think there are twelve tributes left, but I'm not sure.

MARIGOLD – That's a lot to be dead in only two days.

JAY – It will slow down probably, when it gets to a few really good ones.

Suddenly, four parachutes drop. Two for ROSEHIP, one for MARIGOLD and one for JAY.

JAY – Sponsor gifts, perfect. What did you two get? (JAY opens his.) Oh a bow, nice.

MARIGOLD – I got some arrows.

ROSEHIP – I have a quiver and a trowel.

MARIGOLD – Oh I see now!

JAY – See what?

MARIGOLD – our mentors are working together, they've pooled our sponsor money and instead of Jay's mentor using a huge amount of money on a bow, arrow and quiver, they've split the cost between us. It's a good plan. But why did you get a trowel Rosehip?

ROSEHIP – It's so I can get the roots of plants, it's an expensive gift though, we must have a lot of sponsors.

JAY – Thank you everyone for all of this. We all appreciate it.

MARIGOLD – Ok then everyone, let's get some food, and I'll find a stream for water. JAY, can you pack up our stuff so we're ready to go? Then you can hunt for meat.

JAY – Alright. Come on guys.

We see MARIGOLD, ROSEHIP and JAY doing their tasks. JAY finishes packing up, and walks over to ROSEHIP.

JAY – You coping ok, Rosey?

ROSEHIP – I guess. You?

JAY – Yea, I suppose. Look, I found this.

JAY hands ROSEHIP a rose petal.

JAY – It's in your name after all.

ROSEHIP – A rose petal, thanks Jay.

ROSEHIP pockets the rose petal.

ROSEHIP – I wonder how Mum and Dad are doing.

JAY – They'll cope ok. Mr Everdeen will make sure they're fed and they have the support of everyone else in District 12.

ROSEHIP – I can't help thinking who else will die in these games. If we die, our friends could go in, once little Katniss is older, will she have to take out tesserae? Will these games ever end?

JAY - I don't know Rosey. But I hope that our friends ancestors will live to see a better world. I hope that whoever wins these games will live to see a better place.

ROSEHIP – I'm sure they will one day.

MARIGOLD pauses near them for a minute, not wanting to intrude, but ROSEHIP beckons her over.

ROSEHIP - I've got enough plants and roots, Marigold, did you get some water?

MARIGOLD – Yes, but we need to purify it. Should we risk lighting a fire?

JAY – We can light a fire, but we should stay hidden encase the careers come along, or anyone else.

ROSEHIP – Alright then, I'll get one going. I'll cover the fire with something over the top, then we can heat up the water in the bottle and it shouldn't melt.

MARIGOLD – Ok then. After that though, we should move to somewhere else.

ROSEHIP sets the fire going, then the three hide. 

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