( Seongjae Keum x Reader 🍋 English )

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Author / Author: Me

(you can find her on the ff "I don't regret falling under your spell [SEONGJAE KEUM]" with my oc) * french fanfiction*

Dedication to ShinWasun who couldn't read with my oc, because she was too jealous 👹


With Seongjae, you watch a movie, not about horror but it played hard with your mentality so the movie was horrible.

You arrive at the end of the film, the last fight. T/p holds her boyfriend's hand firmly.

They fight, this character that thinks he's a hero, fights with his veterans. A surprise attack looming behind him, one of the soldiers picked up Excalibur's sword, he cut off his head with a sharp blow.

T/p hid his face in Seongjae's neck, he tried to reassure her, saying that it was wrong...etc.

He's seriously starting to have real pain in his hand, rather.

"It's good T/p, we don't see the head cut off anymore..." He said with a serene tone.

"Really ?" Raising his head.

Y/p loved this kind of film, she was not the type to be afraid of anything.

"I'm coming, I'll get you a drink." Said Seongjae getting up from the sofa.

"All right..."

A thought crossed her mind, a few hours earlier she had watched several Feldup videos and some horror Thraed videos of Squeezie.

Maybe that's why?

This never happened to him.

Since a young age, T/p would love all things paranormal, and horror.

She didn't really understand.

"Y/p, are you still with us?" He said waving his hand.

"Huh? Seon...?" By not being confused.

"Warn when you're having an existential crisis." In a mocking tone.

"Very funny..."

"I have humor in my blood! Otherwise hold on." By giving him the glass of water.

"Thanks, that's nice..."

T/p sees Seongjae taking back the remote control, and choosing the next movie.

"Do you want to watch something else? It's quite late."* She said as she finished the glass of water.

"Huh? yes, yes, I'm watching something else, no need to wait for me to go to sleep."

"Afterwards you surprise me that you are full of insomnia." She said straightening up.

"I have your magic fingers putting me to sleep."

"I'm going to sleep, I'm going to sleep." Kiss her on the cheek.

"Yeah, good night..."

Y/p leaves the room, and goes up the stairs to his bedroom.


There was no reason for T/p to panic, but thinking back to the nightmare she had had, where she saw all the severed heads of what she loves more than anything, her heart beating a thousand miles to the hour, T/p started crying

Checking the time, she realized it was only 2am and Seongjae was still downstairs, she didn't want to disturb her boyfriend, but her limbs stretched as she went. his breathing quickened.

Not even five minutes, T/p decides to get out of bed to warn Seongjae, despite holding on to objects, she loses her balance, which warns Seongjae, hearing the noise coming from the room of his girlfriend.

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