Vibes With Each Other

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Kera Montana Wendell

All I could think about this morning was last night is that sexy ass man, Tremaine. He's pefect in every way. Today being a new day I can't lay in bed in think about him. Rising up, I checked my phone before heading to the bathroom to freshen up. Once finished, I placed my toothbrush on rack washed my face and started applying slight makeup. I had a photo shoot in about fourth five minutes and didn't wanna be late. I got dressed in a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt just until I got there, like I usually do.

Grabbing my Chanel bag heading downstairs to eat something real quick.
I placed a whole banana, a few strawberries, a whole yougurt and a bit of milk for my smoothie. Being that the smoothie blending was also a removable cup I took a sip while heading to my Charger.


"Someone's happy today." Olivia, my stylist says doing my makeup in the process.

"Yea I'm in a good mood." I smiled trying to hide my blush.

"Must of been a hot date."


"That's good you getting back out there. Giving these nigga's a peak."

"You crazy."

"Ej supposably coming by later."


While she continued my makeup, I checked my Instagram seeing Trey's recent post.

TreySongz- I was blinded when all along you were right here!

I giggled deciding not to respond because of the media, they would definitely catch something and I kind of wanted to keep him and I on the down low. After chitchatting with her as she did my hair and makeup with the help of her assistant. I got dressed for the shoot, hopefully it didn't take all day.


The shoot was finally over, I went back home, to take a shower and head over Brittany's. I put on some lounge around clothes quickly and drove to her house.

"Theres a doorbell and a door you could have used." She said coming out of the kitchen and hugging me.

"You know I don't use that."

"I seen his post on my timeline must of been about you."

"Girl yes, I didn't tell you he came by yesterday, because when he tripped me my wallet jumped out of my pants, and my id fell. So after I left he brought it back to me and he asked me on a lil date."

"How was it?"

"Good, it wasn't awkward and it wasn't over the top. I love his company and all."

"I'm happy for you, I really am. Would you like some tea?"

"Sure. You and Chris still touching?" I question referring to Chris Brown. She and him were playing around with each other.

"Yea, we still talk he's busy right now."

She says smiling and I knew she really liked him. It is a little ironic that her and I are dating Trey and Chris but I guess that's just how things work, nothing was forced, definitely not on my end.

"You talk to Ej?"


After our conversation came to an end,

"Let me get going so I can start on dinner, and check my website."

"Alright behave." She warms in a motherly voice.

"You too."

I grabbed my car keys and headed home trying to think of what I'm going to cook.

In a matter of twenty minutes I pulled into my driveway seeing a moving truck across the street. I shrugged unlocking the door and tossing my keys on the table. Snatching my MackBoom for my desk, checking in my clothing website. 

Just a short filter because
I was stuck, but carry on!

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