I'm In Love With You

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Kera Wendell

"This, is so nice Chris." I complimented looking at his artistic peices he had at the art gallery.

"Thank yall."

We looked all around at Chris' section in the show, and a few of his works with other artist.

"What'chu think this one mean, it's deep?" Trey said looking at a painting.

"Um, must be a lot of feelings. It's like life. All the emotions and feeling people go through."

"Yea, now it kinda do look like that."

"Hey Ker." Brittany say since she left Chris' side.

"Hey boo, your man is talented."

"In other areas too and I don't mean singing."

"Britt stop." We shared a laugh.

"You good now?"

"Yeah I'm staying with Trey until you know."

"That's good I'm happy for you."

"Thank you Brittany."

"You know I gotchu'."

"When is the anniversary?"

"This Friday."

"Still don't know what he doing."

"No, not really." She sighed happily.


After we left the ceremony we decided to head out to dinner together, just because he hadn't did it yet all together.

"Have y'all been talking about kids yet?" I ask Brittany due to the fact the guys were talking to the hostess.

"Not really, but I mean I'm up for discussion."

"What are you getting him for you know?"

"Honesty Kera what do you get someone who already has everything?"


Our drinks were placed on the table just as Trey slid right next to me. Chris was no where to be found and Trey kept looking on stage.

"Where Chris?" Brittany asked nonchalantly.

"Talking to the owner."

"How you feeling?" Trey asks me which through me off guard a bit. Honesty I was feeling great him being the way he is and I love him for that.

"Good baby."


He grabbed my hand with his giving it a tight squeeze. After I took a sip of my strawberry surprise, Chris was on stage.

"I'd like to dedicate this song to my baby. We be with each other for a year now and despite our success we keep it real with each other so Brittany I love you. Happy early anniversary."

He started singing one of his old songs, that made touched my heart and I know touched Brittany's. I knew she was trying to hide her tears because of her makeup but this was too cute and sweet. Once he'd finished she kissed him on his lips just as the whole restaurant cheered.

"That was beautiful, lucky girl." The waiter say after writing down Trey's and my order, along with Chris and Brittany.

"Yeah I am."

"I'll be back with you orders soon." She took the menus back smiling her way over to another customer.

"That was cute Chris." I complimented.

"Aug told me he said he was coming up here." Trey told Chris was siping on his drink and admiring Brittany.

"Oh word, Ion know why he won't just move here."

"I know right."

We'd left the dinner after we had a discussions and ate our meals, Trey and I headed home die to the fact I just wanted to lunge around him. Trey sat on the bed scrolling through his feeds and I know something was on his mind.

"You good?"

"Yeah." He grabbed my hand making me cup his face into a long kiss.

"Trey your so sweet." I kissed his lips because he was sitting down on the bed.

"Kera I think I'm in love with you..."

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