zazz's apperance and personality

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Zazz is a very tall and very lanky Zeti, with very thin limbs and body structure. The upper half of his body appears to be vibrant pink, while his body from the waist down his pure black, ending in two-clawed feet with purple toes. A third much smaller claw appears to jut out from his heels. Zazz has a long tail that appears to be bent into a vague "Z" shape, similar to that of Knuckles the Echidna. Zazz has a row of small black spikes running down his back, from the base of his neck to the middle of his spine. Zazz's thin arms end in proportionately large five-fingered hands, each finger tipped with purple nails.

Zazz has an oblong head with a large gaping mouth, which is never closed. He has long, thin, sharp teeth and a long cyan tongue, which is almost always seen hanging out the side of his mouth. He has green irises with yellow sclera and black markings under each eye. On the top of his head, Zazz has a pair of horns that point outwards, colored in alternating rings of black and light purple. Between them is a mohawk of purple hair.

For attire, Zazz wears a pair of black wrist cuffs with gray spikes on them, and a matching spiked collar.

personality:Zazz is a nasty, cruel, and ruthless Zeti with an unpredictable and temperamental personality which is both his greatest strength and greatest weakness. The meanest and most psychopathic of his entire race, he is every bit the metalhead he looks like and is wild and unruly to the point where he comes off as rather feral. In addition to yelling almost everything he says, he always wears a very wild expression and attacks with equal savagery. He likewise walks around with erratic body movements and even twitches occasionally. He is heedless to manners and social customs, having no trouble getting extremely close to the face of others, giving rude comments, and shows complete disinterest when being scolded. His insanity, however, makes him brave as he rarely shows a single sign of distress. Because of his unpredictability, however, it can be easy to turn the tables on him.

Zazz loves to fight and enjoys running wild more than eating three meals a day; holding him back from a fight will sent him flying into a rage. Hating boredom above all else, Zazz is always ready for a fight, even before he knows what he will be fighting, and will pursue his enemies with relentless determination and attack with powerful strikes. Another trait of Zazz is his short temper and hot-headedness; he hates when people show him disrespect and just a few snarky comments or oppositions are enough to send him into a furious frenzy. When angry, Zazz also has a tendency to make gruesome threats against his enemies, such as telling Sonic he would "mess him up" and "skin him alive". Zazz is also arrogant about his fighting skills. For example, the first time Sonic defeated Zazz in a fight, he claimed Sonic only won due to luck, and the second time Sonic defeated him, Zazz said he could not believe it.

Like the other members of the Deadly Six, Zazz is inherently malicious, sadistic, and violent. He has an extreme appetite for violence and destruction, even by the Deadly Six's standards due to his unpredictable and unruly personality, and he relishes in the prospect of carnage and destruction, wildly eager and joyous about killing others by dismembering them. He also has a macabre sense of humor, laughing every time he managed to land a hit on Sonic, and at how he and his allies would die from the Extractor. In line with his thirst for bloodshed, Zazz is an omnicidal monster, having no qualms about causing global genocide for his own gain. He is also vengeful, given that once he was freed from Eggman's enslavement, Zazz launched an attack on the scientist, and wanted to get back at Sonic after he defeated him.

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