Ch. 1 - New world, New Me?

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Y/n PoV

June 10th 2031

My name is Y/n L/n, I just turned 18 today and graduated from High school just a few days ago too at the top of my class. I've worked myself to the bone to be successful, now its only a matter of time before my letter comes in. I applied for Harvard and the paper determining my fate for my future career is only moments away! It should me be here any second now I cant wait-

*ding dong*

Y/n: Its here! 

I rush to the front door just in time to see a letter fall to the floor with the Harvard seal on it. This is it, this will make or break my future. I carefully open the leader and start reading it.

Y/n: Dear Mr. L/n, Under careful consideration of your skills and academic achievements, we at the Committee of Admissions have accepted you into the class of 2036. ...I did it...i'm in... I'M IN! I GOT INTO HARVARD! This is the best day of my life! This is a dream come true, I have to celebrate it!

Putting on a fresh pair of clothes and grabbing my wallet I left my house and hopped on my bike and rode to town. I'm going to my favorite restaurant and treating myself! After about 20 minutes of biking I reach downtown, I lock by bike on a rack and head inside.

Random Worker: Hi there! Welcome to (your favorite restaurant), how can I help you today?

Y/n: Can I have the special of the day?

Random Worker: Absolutely! Anything else for today?

Y/n: No that's it.

Random Worker: Alright, your total is going to be $15

Y/n: Here you go. *hands her a 20* You can keep the change for yourself as a tip, I'm in a very good mood today!

Random Worker: Why thank you! Here is your receipt sir, have a wonderful day!

Y/n: Thanks you too!

I look at my receipt and saw she wrote something on it.

"Thanks for the tip! Call me sometime! xxx-xxx-xxxx <3"

Y/n: 'This day just keeps getting better and better! I'll just sit down at a random table and watch videos on my phone while I wait.'

*10 minutes later*

Y/n: What's taking them so long! 

Just as I was about to get up to ask about my order I heard a scream come from outside, I rush outside to see what was happening and I see a woman holding a child at gun point screaming jibrish

Woman: ↸ᓭ⍑リ𝙹⋮𝙹∷╎ᓭ ⎓⋮╎↸ᓭᓭ⋮╎⚍∷⚍ ᔑ ̇/リ∴𝙹ᒷ⚍∷⊣ᒲᒲꖌ ⎓⍑ᒷᒷ||ℸ ̣ ↸リᒷ ⋮ℸ ̣ ⎓ʖ ̇/リᓵᒷ⋮∷

Y/n: 'Is she speaking enchantment table or something!?'

She has her back to me and I don't think she has noticed me yet. But what do I do? If I try to stop her I risk being shot. But that kid is in a worse position, I have no clue if or when she will pull the trigger. What do I do?

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