Chapter 6 - Cuts and Bandages

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"Chan! No!! Back up!" I screamed, pulling the leader to the side. "Jihoons gonna stab you-" I started to yell.

But I was a second late. A gunshot went off.

I flinched. Is this how I die? What about my family? What about my life? Everything I've worked for, to get to this point. Well, not to this point. But where I was before. I closed my eyes, accepting my way to leave this world, holding the man that ruined and saved my life.

"Sara?" A faint voice questioned.

"Hello!? Chan is that you? Are you okay?!" I pleaded.

"Who's Chan~ Replace me already?!" Said a female voice. I opened my eyes to a dark room, full of smoke.

"Chae, is that you!?" I coughed, inhaling the smoke. I ran towards the sound of the voice.

"Took you long enough." She spoke, appearing behind me. Her face was clean and unharmed, unlike what she looks like in my dreams. I ran towards my best friend, trying to hug her, but my hand phased right through her.

"Okayy, this is weird. I thought I died, but now I'm here? I panicked

"First of all, you're not dead. Well I don't think so at least."

"What!? So I'm alive, you're not alive...

Is Bangchan alive!?" I spoke, sitting up. I took in my surroundings. I was sitting in the passenger seat of Stray Kids's Car. We were outside the warehouse. It looked to be about 11:30 at night, the stars above me were ethereal. They and the moon alone, against the black sky dimmed their cool light upon the parking lot, where the members were working.

I opened the car door and stepped out. What happened? Did they get rid of the Dynasty Clan already? I continued past the car and to the middle of the parking lot, to see Felix, Changbin and Seungmin throwing trash bags into the back of a van.

"Felix! Where's Bangchan!? Is he alright?!" I asked, running up to him.

There was a slight frown on his face. "Not really. Got stabbed in the chest by Jihoon. Luckily Minho shot him before he actually finished the job. By the time I was there, he was being rushed back to the base, while you were unconscious." Felix explained, a dark tone in his voice.

"We were asked to take you back when you woke up. Han can only take care of one hurt member at the moment. Thought we might clean up, while waiting for Lee Know, Jeongin and Hyunjin to get the last bags out of there." Seungmin chimes in, standing next to Felix.

"What do you mean two hurt members? If you six are here. And Han is taking care of Chan, who else is hurt?!" I asked, crossing my arms in thought.

"She's still on the painkiller then. How much did you give her?" Felix whispered to Seungmin, barely audible.

"What painkiller?!" I questioned, starting to panic.

"You're... alright Sara. When Bangchan was stabbed, you tried to move him out of the way right? Felix started, as I nodded. "Luckily, you moved him just so it wouldn't've been his heart, rather his chest that was stabbed. But the backside to that, is you left the blade without an object to collide into, and the person behind Chan was... you.

Felix motioned for me to take off the puffy jacket, to find a bunch of bandages on my right arm. I could feel my head starting to spin. How hurt was I? I can have no idea since they put me on drugs! They put me on drugs?! What if I become too dependent on them? My head was spiraling with thoughts on my injury, and how the boys tried to solve it.

Felix must have noticed how I felt because he laid his hand on my shoulder. "I'm gonna get you home as fast as possible. I just need the last people to hurry up, and get rid of the bags."

"What bags...?" I asked, a few ideas circling around in my head.

"Body bags!" Seungmin grinned, his braces shining in the moonlight. I couldn't really get mad at him, because he looked pretty innocent, even while saying that. Not to mention, I lacked the energy to.

"Yeah okay, you guys finish- that. I'll be in the car." I said, half sleep-walking into the passenger seat. I laid my head on the car window, the cold glass cooled my thoughts down and soothed me into a light sleep.

What I'd assume was a mew minutes later, I could hear the car engine start. Felix poked my shoulder, "We're going home, be there in a few. If you want, just stay asleep and I'll carry you inside."

"Thanks." I mumbled, picking my head up to re-adjust. And that's what I did. I fell asleep, for the first time in days, I was able to rest without wondering what would happen the next day. The humm of the car kept me asleep, even to the point where I could barely feel Felix getting me out of the car.

He walked a while before I heard him talk to someone, Han. "How's Chan?" He asked, his voice hushed.

"Could be better, but he's asleep right now, got the medical stuff in his room right now. Just don't know how to use most of it." Han answered, sounding a little bit embarrassed.

"Good. Didn't Sara mention she can do that stuff?" Felix said, keeping a low tone.

I heard the other car pull into the driveway as he spoke again, "I don't think Chan will mind if she stays in the extra room, for now at least. She's pretty injured herself."

"Not at all. But don't you think she should wear something different to bed?" Han asked, as I almost giggled.

"I dunno dude, I think she'll be okay. To be honest, I'm surprised Chan had any girls clothes at all, See you in the morning." Felix said, starting to walk upstairs.

In the next two minutes I was on a soft bed, covered in plush blankets. The pillows, welcoming my sore body into their comfort. "I'm really sorry, Sara. We didn't mean for it to turn out like this. I know Bangchan is beating himself up about what happened. But I promise it'll get better." Felix ranted. I just assumed he was assuring himself, but something about knowing Bangchan actually cared about my well-being felt oddly nice.

"Good night, Sara." Felix whispered, closing the doors.

And on that note, I was gone. In a world of my own. No fighting, no screaming, just sleep.

1104 Words <3

Sorry If it was kinda boring, the next one is fun ;)

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