Chapter 15 - 6 Hours

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(For the people who didn't read last chapter/clarification)

Ok so basically, Sara was punished for trying to escape Stay Kids. Chan decided that he would mark her (using an undisclosed weapon) with the Stray Kids symbol (The SKZ) So if she ever left; they could find her again. Then Chan was guilty and brought her to his room so she could sleep. So Chan tucked her in, and he slept on the couch (No, they did NOT sleep in the same bed :D)

Okay, hoped that cleared things up



I woke up quite slowly. The sun was seeping through the windows, the orange light painting it in a beautiful scene within the room. The remaining leaves swayed in the winter breeze, a reminder of the chilly weather.

I sat up and reached towards my left thigh, my injury. I folded over the puffy, navy blankets to look at it. The bleeding had mostly stopped, but a little bit got on the sweatpants I wore. It's not like I cared, there was a giant hole anyway from Bangchan.

Bangchan? I wonder where he is right now? I looked around the room, rubbing my eyes. I saw the leader asleep on his soft gray couch. Messy hair and a soft look on his face, lips slightly parted, eyes calmed and at rest, broad, muscular shoulders sticking out from the blanket. Do most people look this good while they're sleeping?! Why?!

I rolled over again, determined to go back to sleep. Yet, I just couldn't. I sat up again, eyeing the bedroom for my phone. Might as well play some games or something. I got out of bed, trying to walk as quietly I could; past Chan and into the bathroom, to wash my face. But Chan stirred on the couch, waking up.

"Where are you going?" He pouted, rubbing his eyes, stretching.

"To the bathroom?" I said "Go back to bed. I'm up, so you can take your room back."

He stood up, grabbing my arm- and pulled me back to bed. "No you're not..." He started, grabbing my body. I could feel the room instantly become 10 degrees hotter.

Did he want me to stay there? Why? I know he doesn't like me- he doesn't think of me that way. I know that... But why else would he want me to stay with him?!

"Why...?" I yawned

What was he going to say now?

"Because, I can't have you walking around the house, duh-" He tilted his head, confused as to why I asked.

"Never mind- can I just take a shower in your bathroom?" I asked

"Yeah sure. I'll get you some new clothes and stuff." He smiled, walking out of the bedroom, "Be right back."

I made my way to his bathroom. It was pretty big, considering it was just his. Perks of owning the house I guess. The walls were a soft white, warm lighting bouncing off on them; coming out from beautiful- crystal looking lights. There was a large mirror above the marble countertops- much like the kitchen had. There was a glass shower to the right of the door, by a small room containing the toilet. And across from it was a large, circular bath; complete with small jets.

How are they so rich?! This isn't fair! Why do people with illegal jobs have to make so much money?!

I turned on the shower and took off my clothes, careful not to touch my cut. The bandages remained on my thigh. I unwrapped them; I had to see what he marked on my skin. The more I went, the more blood, but soon I reached the end of it. In dried blood, it read an upside down "SKZ", the stray kids symbol. I was stuck with them...

I snapped back to reality when there was a sudden knock on the door.

"It's Chan. I'm gonna open the door a bit so I can throw the clothes and towel in. Is that okay?" He said, "My eyes are closed."

I walked over to the door, where Chan's hand was reaching out from the other room; clothes and towel in hand. I took them and set them down near the bath.

"Thanks!" I said, getting in the shower.

I washed my hair for the first time in a long time. The hot water felt so nice, but it didn't make my mood as good as I thought it would. Once I was done, I dried up and put on the clothes Bangchan gave to me. I wore a pair of black, wide legged jeans, a white shirt and navy sweater.

Stepping out of the room, I saw Chan. Who was now out of his pajamas and in gray sweatpants and a black T-shirt. He looked up at me with a soft smile; it reminded me a lot of a big dog, the way he acts. Scary on the outside, sweet on the inside.

I must have looked kinda sad, because Chan started speaking, "You good?" He asked, Aussie accent blaring in his tone.

"Oh yeah! I'm fine." I said, taking the towel off my head.

"No you're not, I have a sister; I know when girls are lying." He joked, "What's really going on?"

I sat down on his gray couch, crossing my legs. "Well- I miss being out in public... I mean, without being on one of your missions."

"Oh" Chris mumbled, thinking. "Then let's take you out! We'll go out to dinner as a group!"

I smiled at his idea, "But don't they hate me for the stunt I pulled a few nights ago?"

He scratched his head, kinda stumped. "I mean this could be a way for them to become friends with you. I mean I calmed down pretty quickly. Well considering I did kinda- you know... hurt you." He said the last part with a tone of regret.

Did he feel bad about doing that to me? Is he trying to make it up?

"Yeah- But it'll heal, right?" I said, trying to lift the mood.

"If you say so. Where should we go?" He asked

I tried to think of my favorite places, bars or restaurants. I probably couldn't go to any of my usual places. I mean what if I saw someone I knew? That would not end up very well-

"Hmm.. Let's get pizza, everyone will like that!" I proposed.

"Sounds good. I know a place to go then. I'm going to go get some work done, I'll bring breakfast up if you'd like. But I suggest you stay in here for the remainder of the day, or at least until 7:30." Chan mentioned, "If you need anything, call me. My number's on your phone."

He left the room, closing the door behind him. I checked my phone, 11:32 in the morning. I sat on the leader's bed, thinking about tonight. I'm going to go outside. I'm going to be in public. I'm going to leave this place, even if it's with them. I just have to wait...

6 long hours, and I'll be out. At long last.

1100 words <3

Spare Me - Bangchan II Bangchan x Female OC II Mafia AUWhere stories live. Discover now