Chapter 2: Who's the new kid?

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"Just come home.."


"...Ms. Noceda we assure you that we will do everything in our power to find her." This was the third time Camilla had called the police.

She had gotten a call from her principal saying Luz hadn't been to school all day and wanted to ask if Luz was sick at home.. Camilla took time to process this new information, she had seen Luz leave home hours prior to the call, so she didn't understand.

She took her car and drove to all the places that Luz could have gone to, but there was no sight of her anywhere. As if... she had just never existed, the only how people would know she existed was because of her weird reputation in school, and her birth certificate that was presently sitting in a cabinet in Camilla's room,  but asides that no one knew where she could have gone. She called Luz over and over again, but as the call rung, it was always sent straight to voice call.

Camilla spent that night hoping that Luz wasn't dead, and that she was alright, that she would be home soon,

 but in reality...

Luz wasn't ever coming home.....


"Hey kid wake up!" Eda said as she gently shook Luz awake. Luz stared at her with sleepy eyes and a confused face, wondering what was so important that she had to wake up.

"Yea..?" Luz said leaning on her  elbow, in attempts as to not sleep again. "You still up to learn some magic?" Eda spoke, standing as Luz looked at her, happiness evident as she quickly got out of bed.

"Alright kid come on."


"See, that was fairly easy right?" Eda said after what felt like hours of trial and error before Luz finally got it right. Luz looked at her like she had just seen a ghost and Eda just shrugged her shoulders before they both laughed it off.

In reality, you would think that its just to draw a glyph, as they call it, and boom its done. But it was way harder than that, each line has to be exact or you'll end up with a different thing.

"Yea, totally.." Luz said as they both both walked in. "Well I need you to run a few errands for me. I can't have you cooped up in this house with Hooty. Your 18 right? Go make some friends." Eda said as she pushed Luz out of the house and slammed the door. As of now Luz had been in the Isles for a week, so she was pretty okay when it came to directions, or where things were.

As Luz was about going, Eda remerged with a bag of snails, dropped them in Luz's hand and waved her off. Luz, still confused by this sudden action, Luz set on her journey to go run the errands. 

After what felt like hours of traversing the lands of the isles, Luz stumbled upon what seemed to be 2 witches out in the forest. 

'Is this what Eda meant by "make friends"?' Luz thought to herself, having an inner war on whether she should go over there, or, take the easy way out and leave.

Luz quietly looked over at the two witches for a while, noticing that they were doing some sorts of a project by casting spells on a few plants and summoning a few purple gooey things and making them do different things, then writing them down in their notebooks. 

After what felt like a while Luz took her things and went back home, not once alerting the two of her presence. Once she left the two looked over at where she was last and they gave each other a confused look before returning to their work.

Luz's POV:

As i got back to the owl house i greeted hooty quickly and made my way over to the parlor where Eda was layed sleeping on the couch with king rolled up in a ball on her stomach. They looked peaceful, so I let them be and made my way to the kitchen, making myself some griffon eggs and eat it with some bread. Luckily Eda had gotten some bread and other food things from the human realm.

I decided to open my phone cause it's been a while, messages and calls from mama came in almost immediately, I do feel bad about leaving her cause i know she was trying her hardest for me but I think it would be better for her if she assumes i'm dead. I turn my phone off and head to my room closing the door and going to sleep.


Eda walked into Luz's room, a couple hours later to call her down for dinner, she sat by Luz's bedframe and gently shook her. Luz soon woke up and sat up groggily as Eda told her that she would be enrolling in hexide the next day as they ate their dinner.


The next day Luz got out of bed bright and early and rushed to put her uniform on before calming herself and going downstairs to eat breakfast before quickly running out the house and past the market straight to the gates of hexide. 

As she stepped in she quickly lost all of her confidence as her anxiety started to slowly build up. She could here the laughter's of the students looking at her as she passed them, hearing all the remarks about her, she slowly made her way over to the principals office to collect her schedule and choose her classes.

Luz's Pov:

"Luz! Welcome, I've heard so many things about you. What classes would you like to take?" He said. Luz thought about this for a little bit before giving the principal a small smile. "I think I want to try all of them." The principal looked shocked for a bit but smiled right after. "Just like your mentor, alright then here's your schedule. Make sure not to over work yourself." he spoke, rummaging through his drawers before pulling out a slip of paper. "Here you go. I'll have a somebody show you around hexide make sure to enjoy your stay!" He said as Luz walked out of his office before being called out by someone.

"Yo! You must be the new kid everyone's talking about!" I turned around and saw two girls in front of me. Then it suddenly hit me. 'They're the girls from yesterday!' I thought as they walked over to me. "Wow so they were right, you are human!" The girl with deep blue short  hair and green eyes said. She was wearing the same uniform as me yet hers was in a green color, she was around 5ft 8 or 9. The girl standing next to her had long unkept lavender hair, the same uniform but hers was a light version of purple with gold eyes, a round 5 ft 6-ish.

"Uhm ye.. my name's Luz Noceda.." I said as the girl who I later learnt her name to be amity, smiled a little, making me blush a bit. Willow and Amity showed me around the place and we even exchanged numbers on our scrolls, i guess its their version of our human phones. They also introduced me to one of their friends whose name was Agustus, but everyone calls him Gus for short. 

"Well Luz, this is the end of our tour, let me see your schedule." Amity said. She looked at it for a while before handing it back to me. "It looks like we both have a few shared lessons, right now u have illusions with Gus, I'll come get you next period cause we both have the next class shared." She said as we all said our good byes and went our separate ways.

'Maybe this won't be so bad after all... I guess it was time for a change of scenery..'


Man 3 months was long as hell! I had writers block so I felt like completely dropping this story but i got an idea and I started re-writing. Thank you for reading!

Word Count:1325 words

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