Chapter 5.1: A place only we know.. Part 2

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wassup homies my vice principal seized my pc for a week so i couldnt post this chapter ill try to make this long but im feeling under the weather as i was editing this there were so many corrections in spelling to be made so plase bear with thsi. jsyk this is a mid burn so its not too fast and not too slow, meaning that ill show advancements overtime so as for it not to be a short book. i havent been getting the motivation to keep wrriting as i firt did when i opened wattpaf a year ago so ive started getting into it again so besr with me for the chapters they will progressively get bertter ovet rime. i apologise for the mistakes yet aain. alr happy new month its been a while since ive opened this since nov and this is dec 2 i forgot about it so enjoy  😀

Luz's POV: 

"Luz, kid there's someone at the door for you!" Eda said as i adjusted my clothes. I rushed down as I heard Amity's voice echoing through the living room. She was wearing a blue dress that had star patterns on them, I felt ashamed of my outfit as I rubbed the back of my head, greeting Amity and saying bye to Eda. I was wearing black baggy jeans with an oversized red graphic t-shirt. "Hi-i..." I said as Amity smiled at me. "Looks like you're ready! Lets go!" She said, holding my hand interlocking our fingers. My face spread into a wild blush, kinda glad that i decided to wear baggy pants.

As we set off, Amity did say earlier that she had somewhere that she wanted to show me which made me a bit curious so i decided to ask her about it.

"Hey Amity?" I asked as we stopped at a nearby bench in front of a park. She tilted her head towards me in a confused manner as she sat down. "What did you wanna show me before?" I asked as she chuckled a little before speaking up. "Aren't you awfully eager too know?" She said in a teasing voice, which made all the blood in my body rush to my face as I tried laughing it off.

"We are almost there so calm ur tits alright?" She said smiling as we continued walking before we entered the library, and she led me down to the romance place before pulling a book down which revealed a little hidden room covered in LED lights.

"Wooaah... did you do all this by yourself?" I asked as I sat in a bean bag on the floor. "I had a lot of free time.." She said scratching her neck nervously. "but actually my siblings found it. I just designed it after they forgot about it so it's been my secret hiding spot after school" She said walking around the place.

I walked towards the shelves and noticed that she read the good witch Azura. "You read GWA?" I asked as her face immediately turned red, shoving me away from the book shelf and trying too hide it. "I liked reading it when I was in the human realm, I didn't think they sold it here in the demon realm." I stated, walking over too the beanbag to sit down.

Amity's face lit up as her eyes started glowing "I've never seen anyone my age that likes the good witch Azura, everyone else thought it was too childish" She said as she came to sit beside me.

"Well why don't we read it together? I mean we could voice the characters out. I'll be Azura and you'll be Hecate. So what do you say?" I said as Amity began too giggle. "I don't see anything wrong with it."

Just like that we spent the hours laughing and voicing out the Azura books Amity  had in collection. There was an announcement saying that the library was going to close in 30 minutes, so we packed our things and headed out. We hung out for a few more hours before the place got dark. I walked Amity to her gate and she paused for a moment.

"Thank you luz.. I.. I had fun today.." The clouds cleared as the light from the moon radiated of her pale skin. 'Did she always look this pretty..'

"Its not a problem, I should be the one thanking you for today. You're probably the first person that has ever called me out to hang out with." I said as we both laughed a bit. "Well I have to get going now. Don't want Eda to get worried." I said as I began to turn around but I felt a small hand against my wrist pulling me onto my side. "Amity what's up-?" I felt pair of lips against my cheek. I turned around as I put my hand up to my cheek looking at Amity whose face and ears were red as she covered her lips with her hands. "Goodbye Luz see you on Monday.." She said as she rushed inside the house. "" I said confused.


Fucking hell this is finally done hope u enjoyed this took me 2 months to write sadly

words: 862 words

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