Claim Her Tame Her and Ruin Her

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Talking for a while three of them made their way out of the auditorium and was now on way to take Nashwa with them when the elderly man who was the principal of school stopped them in the middle of hallway while pushing the young lad in front of them with a big smile playing on his lips.

' What is this Mr farooqi '? He asked narrowing his eyes at the old man.

As I said it's an honor to have you here on this special occasion so-- the man began only to stop and took steps towards him and whispered in low tone only for him to hear his next words.

' Isn't she the fine beauty Malik Sahib I hope you will enjoy her tonight'

As soon as those words are out of the old man mouth he looked at him from head to toe before glancing at the scared girl who was nervously biting her lower lip while fidgeting with her fingers making him roll his eyes at them ' the girl and this old man'

And why do you think I would be interested in your gift Mr farooqi'? He asked giving his devilish smirk as he spoke a bit loudly only to get the attention of his two most important men who were frowning listening to their conversation.

' hahaha you are funny Malik but I know you you want fresh piece for yourself so here it is' the old man said laughing while pointing towards the poor girl.

Of all the people you should know that Mr farooqi I don't do jokes as certainly it's not what I like to do, his deep serious voice slightly boomed in the hallway making the girl flinch at his hard tone.

' tch she is fresh and virgin you will regret leaving such a unique masterpiece' the man whispered once again and before he could have responded to his statement he heard a feminine voice and that's when he saw his best friend second in command arguing with a young girl but the girl was not alone as something was also behavior her trying to pull her away from his cousin and best friend.

' Hey mister take a side I want your boss autograph on my dairy' the girl said who probably in her seventeens or eighteens.

He doesn't have time for sign the autographs better don't disturb us, it was Shaham who said looking at the brown eyed beauty in front of him.

Oh we are not talking to you we will ask him if he's willing to give us his autograph and who are you to tell us what to do or what not to huh? The girl said once again while glaring at him and it was none other than nazleen Waleed.

' What's going on here'? His deep husky voice reached to them as he took few steps towards where they were standing well arguing.

' Umm assalamualaikum Mr Nahim it's my honor and pleasure to meet you I really like your speech not just your speak but the way you carry yourself your personality I like everything about you' nazleen said everything in one go with admirable eyes.

Walaikum salam miss your good name? He asked looking at her with a small smile playing on his lips.

' Ah I'm sorry I totally forgot I'm Nazleen Nazleen Waleed and she is my best friend Nashwa Hammad' nazleen said pulling Nashwa along with her making her stand beside her.

Such a good name for such a good girl but didn't your friend tell you something' he said looking at her and then settling his gaze on her who was on his mind every freaking time now a days.

' What? What she didn't tell me'? Nazleen asked nervously and glanced at her friend who was looking everywhere but them.

While on the other hand his best friend and cousin were enjoying the scenario being played in front of them.

' is she your best friend '? He asked looking at nazleen who was now confused with his words and also face expressions.

Of course she is but why are you asking? Nazleen asked as she was getting a bit cautious about talking to them but the next words that came out of his mouth made her still at her place.

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