Part 2: Sinister

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Chapter 56

It seemed as if the universe was deciding to play tricks on Harvey's mind. There he was, sitting at his desk, causing no trouble whatsoever, when he got a call from Patricia telling him to meet him in the Coroner's Wing.

Ten minutes later....

" WHAT THE FUCK?!?" He shouted, causing Patty to wince at the loud volume.

" I was as surprised as you were." Patty grumbled, playing with her ear. " She's just not getting any better in that place." Harvey was off at that moment, letting out a hyrsterical chuckle.

" Oh no no no no no no no!" He sang. " She just refuses to get better!" Patty shook her head at him.

" No one just breaks their own jaw, Harvey. She's stressed about something, and that's probably why she's hurting herself. In some sort of insane way, it's her way of coping." Harvey's eyes widened.

" Coping?!?" he screeched, disbelief clear in his tone. " This was all part of her Destroy The World plan, that we all, I'm afraid, have a hand in playing in! She's not worried about anything! She's confident that all of it will work out soon!" Patty covered her ears, Harvey's voice having grown increasingly louder by each word. For a moment, he felt bad, but that feeling was overrun by the complete shock and fury he felt toward the stupid doctors at that hospital. And Delilah.

Evil, evil Delilah.

'' How did she even manage?'' Harvey asked, his face scrunching up as if he smelt something bad. '' Wasn't she shackled to the bed? Guarded from the inside out?'' Patty shook her head.

'' She convinced one of the guards to...'' Patty swallowed. '' Hit her. Now her mouth is wired shut and she really can't speak.'' Harvey wasn't as shocked as he should be. In fact, he felt his blood boiling, reaching up to a temperature that obviously wasn't healthy. Why? Why was she, all of a sudden, becoming such a catalyst? There was something Delilah was building up to, but Harvey just couldn't put his finger on it and that's what frustrated him even more. He whipped around and started for the door, expression murderous.

'' Where are you going?'' came Patty's worried voice from behind him.

'' I'm off to see the wizard.'' he called back, not turning around. '' The wonderful wizard of Oz.'' He was gone from the wing before Patty could catch up.

In his pocket, his phone vibrated. He took it out of his pocket and answered curtly.

'' What?'' he barked. On the other end, silence. He heard a beeping noise, like those monitors they put in hospitals that keep time with the heart.

'' You don't know how relieved I am to hear your voice.'' Harvey stopped dead in his tracks, heart freezing in place. The voice on the phone was muffled, and sounded like she was speaking through her teeth. Which she probably was, because her jaw should've been wired shut. But no matter how different the voice sounded, it still held the same cold heat, invoking the same reaction in him every time.

'' Delilah.'' he rasped. His eyes scanned the buildings and people around him, looking for one of her deliquents. But anyone who passed by could be a part of her cult! Harvey ran a hand through his hair, eyes roaming the area like a madman.

'' Good boy.'' she cooed. '' I was beginning to think I had been forgotten.'' There was humor in her voice. Dead humor.

'' Now how could anyone forget you?'' he retored, venom sliding in his tone. A strained chuckle on the other end.

'' You don't know how easily the human mind can get rid of an...unkind memory.'' she gritted out.

'' Heard you broke your own jaw.'' he taunted. '' That must've hurt like a bitch.'' He heard a noise in the background, a rustling noise, like someone rousing from sleep.

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