Silent Evil

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There is no such thing as a body of lies. Perhaps because people base their actions majorly on conscious. People often feel guilty whenever they do something to deceive the other subject. But a body based solely on lies has no concept of conscious at all. Most say the sociopaths and psychopaths of the world have no conscious. They believe that whatever they base their actions on, has no say over conscious. But I do not believe that fact. I believe that every living being has a conscious. Only, cases like those two, their conscious works backward. Conscious is what dictates a person to do what is right and to avoid what is wrong. But theirs works backwards, you see. It is still there, but it is defective. People who are able to obtain that level of insanity do not have a body of lies for a body based on lies doesn't crumble. Their lie is so strong and well thought that no one can argue with them. There are no holes in their story. But sociopaths haven't reached that level. They do not feel remorse, guilt, or fear when their lie has fallen apart. They simply create another story, based on a factor that has kept us all alive from the beginning of time: memory. Memory is the key factor in life which enables us to go about our day without risking injury or certain death. Memory is what gives us the incentive to lie. We do it simply because we know how. Because we can. And to be able to do something, you must be able to remember how. No, there is no such thing as a body of lies, but there is such thing as a body of memories. And I know this because I am living proof. If you think I am referring to ordinary memories, you are mistaken. There is a difference. I hold with me, not only memories of my life, but memories of thousands of lifetimes. I remember every single piece of history dating all the way back to the beginning of time and memory itself. I know what you are thinking. You think it's a matter of my having read many books. In that case, you are right. But what is different about me, is that I only had to read each and every one of them, one single time. Impressive? Not quite. What would be impressive, though, is if I was the only one with this ability. To store information in my head, complex information at that, with one single glance on each word, is not my unique trait. Though only a handful of the 7.74 billion people on earth have this ability. But that is where our resemblances end. The people who have this ability are usually graced with mental drawbacks. OCD and short term memory loss are usually the norm. I say usually because I am an oddity. I do not have any obsessive compulsive behavior, and my memory extends to every 568 024 668 seconds of my eighteen years on earth. I remember every 189 216 00 breaths I took and could count all the 19 656 000 steps I have taken in my life time. But with my oddities comes a particular gift. Most would scoff and think this absurd, but the power of a strong memory can ultimately be used as a powerful weapon. Like the ability to determine the future. I'm not talking about voodoo or supernatural abilities. Scientists look to the past in order to predict an incoming event. By measuring certain things that happened in the past, several centuries ago, I can use that to my advantage and predict what could happen in the future. It is wonderful, the power of memory. I am a pure body of memory, that can remember every plan I've ever made, and use them accurately to predict what is to become of the scenario. And that is why, my dear reader, I have landed myself in this position. You are about to learn about the pursuit of memory. You are about to find out how powerful a body of memories really is. 

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