Part 1: Voices of Delilah

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Chapter 40

After all the trouble of getting Delilah Winston securely in confinement, the trial was inevitable. And surely, one to remember. It took about a week for the trial to actually begin. That afternoon, the courthouse was swarming with more press and voyeurs than ever. Many people, even the jury, found it very hard to bypass the large throng of people. It was going to be the largest trial ever to happen in New York City. Some people were slightly confused as to why they were trying Delilah. News journalist wrote that she wasn't even the one to kill the 36 women, but finally it was decided that she would be tried because she manipulated people into murdering them. So it was settled. Delilah Winston was the real Dr. Feathers and she would be charged for the kidnapping or possible murder of 36 women, and that murder of Celina Winston, and Fly.

When Lauren Mogul got a call saying they have the real Dr. Feathers in custody, she was Delilah's first visitor. All the detectives who had tried interrogating Delilah had failed miserably. She hadn't uttered one word to them and for that, Lauren was glad. When she entered Delilah's cell that day, she was told not to touch Delilah and maintain some measure of distance.

" Hello, Delilah." she greeted. Delilah was seated on a metal chair, feet shackled to the ground and wrists held back with handcuffs. Her black hair tumbled around her face, like a shroud, and one of her large eyes peeked out from the mess and regarded Lauren. When she seemed to recognize who she was, a small smile peeked at the corner of her mouth. Lauren repressed a shudder. She had been warned that Delilah might not say anything so she just sat down at the metal table and opened her briefcase, removing files and other papers.

" I can tell you on thing, Ms. Winston." Lauren sighed. " Finding a way to get you out and away from the death penalty is very challenging. The most we can do is-" She was interrupted when, from under the table, Delilah drew out a file, very slim, but paper very visible from the pack. Lauren frowned and looked up at Delilah. When she nodded slowly, Lauren picked up the file and sifted through it, not believing the words she was reading in front of her eyes. She looked up at Delilah, not surprised to find her staring at her.

" Where did you get this?" she asked. When Delilah simply shrugged, Lauren dropped trying to ask her questions. " Well, wherever you got it, this really could save your ass in there. Now, I know the other party won't make any deals with us and this here," she tapped the file. " Is illegal information that won't hold up in court if they find out."

" How many things have you done throughout your life as a lawyer that were unethical or even, illegal, Ms. Mogul?" Delilah asked suddenly. It was like the first time she heard her voice, although it wasn't as raspy and unintelligible. It was cold, quiet, and held an edge to it that suggested she didn't use it much.

Lauren did not know how to answer the question, so she simply remained quiet. Delilah smiled and sat back.

" Exactly." she whispered and ceased to talk for the rest of the interview. When their session was over, Lauren Mogul was escorted to the courtroom and waited.

Waiting for the trial of a lifetime to begin.


Every eye in the courtroom was on Delilah Winston as she walked into the room and was escorted to her seat next to Lauren. Lauren, who was also compelled by some unseen force, looked at Delilah's entrance. When she was seated next to her, it was like the room dropped several degrees. Lauren glanced at her opponent, Taylor McIntosh, and wasn't surprised to see him glaring at her. He crooked a finger at her, gesturing for her to come meet him in the alley between their desks. She stood up, excusing herself from the table, and met him in the alley.

" Now, I don't know what gave you the incentive to defend this monster," he growled, green eyes piercing. " But whatever it is, I promise I won't let my personal feelings get in the way of it and I will not do so unless you agree. Deal?" She could tell, by the tightening of his mouth and his forever narrowing eyes that what he said was a bold faced-lie. She stood closer to him, wanting to intimidate.

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