Part 1: Voices of Delilah

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Chapter 26

" So here's what we know." Patricia started. Her and Shawn had bordered the plane for California and were only a few hours away from their destination. She had told Madison and Harvey to lay off the case for a while, at least until they heard from her and Shawn, and they had agreed. So now, she and Shawn were on a first class flight for California and daylight shun brightly through her window. " What links our victims together is that they're are somehow related and they all visited some suicide chat room that landed them in a icky web of a serial killers'. One of the victims, Spencer Davidson, based on what Harvey told us, was in league with Delilah at some point but we're not sure if she was ever admitted into the hospital.

" We are reasonably sure that Delilah Winston is dead and likely to remain that way. And apparently, we have a mole in the department who is leaking very important information to Dr. Feathers. Did I miss anything?" But when she turned to Shawn, he wasn't paying any attention. Just as she was about to hit him over the head, she glanced at what he was looking at and froze. She shoved his arm.

" Turn up the volume." she ordered, and he did. They sat there, watching a news cast and each line simply took her breath away.

" In a late interview with successful lawyer, Lauren Mogul, she has stated that, once the Dr. Feathers trial will be conducted, she will be proudly representing him and defending him to her very last breath in the courtroom." The screen changed and a segment from Lauren's interview popped up.

" I will not stand by and watch this person go down without a chance." she had said. " For all we know, we may be dealing with someone who has mental problems that have been gone unnoticed for several years and I, as my duty as an attorney, need to help this citizen have his chance in court." Patricia muted the screen and closed her eyes. There was no other conclusion.

" He threatened her life." Patricia whispered. Shawn turned to her but she kept her eyes closed. " The only way he would have gotten a chance at her being his lawyer is if he threatened her life. She would never have done this on her own." Shawn raised an eyebrow.

" And how do you know this?" She opened her eyes then, and glared at him.

" I know this because I know Lauren." she answered. " She's a friend of mine and I know she would never have accepted this case without a good reason. And her life seems a good enough one for me, Shawn." She turned away from him and looked out the window.

" How exactly do you know all of these people?" he asked. She didn't look at him as she answered.

" I'm a rich person, she's a rich person." she said. " We met through mutual rich people." Shawn snorted. " I'm gonna try to sleep right now, since I haven't slept for a week straight. So please, do me a favor and just don't talk." A small chuckle was the last thing she heard before she blacked out.


In her dream, Patricia sat on a chair right in front of a steel table. On the other side of the table sat Delilah, who was staring intently at her. They were in a concrete square room with no doors.

Patricia leveled her gaze with hers and found that she was not frightened by the girl.

" What am I doing here?" she asked. Her voice echoed slightly, like the room was vaster than it looked. Delilah shrugged, her eyes unblinking and staring.

" What are you doing here?" Patricia asked. Once again, no answer. She found that she was quite frustrated with the girl's silence. Suddenly, Delilah moved. From underneath the table, she took out a deck of cards and placed the stack on the table. All this seemed very random to Patricia, who sat there and could only watch.

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