Introducing: Mato's Janitor

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Ren Yamashiro, commander of the Elite Troops, couldn't believe the actual state of the corporation. The 8 god's crusade on hiatus, secrets within the state bursting out new enemies filled with hatred, and the overall issue with that man...Yuki Wakamura, had kept her on tip toes for more than she wanted to admit. And still, the members had found time to create another diversion.

Another man. She couldn't begin to understand it. What good would it do? They can't do anything other than helping with house chores or cleaning, and even that can be handled by lower rankers within the exclusively female corporation.

The issue with 7th's unit was an exception! She thought. But the mass amount of requests showed her this couldn't be held as an exception anymore. She knew it had to do with hormones. Probably. The 5th's interest seamed to have peaked towards another playtoy after meeting Yuki. She could understand that. She wanted a playtoy herself. But to go as far as to let another male join the corporations was an insane request. This time, they couldn't even serve as an empowered slave. Just a janitor. Just a fucking house cleaner.

But here she was. Scrolling through billions of trillions of pictures and profiles of the men available to choose from. The requests were clear:

Young and healthy.


No smoking!

Needs to handle a bit of punching- Who the hell posted this request?

Very kind.

Cute! Again.

With class.




She sighed. No way any human available could fill this requests, let alone a man. All boys that cleared at least two of those requests were already off the charts, and it was illegal per governmental issuing to pull any man already in a relationship or with a solid position in the real world. Insane.

She could use her infinite vision and be done with this in an instant, but chances are she could go through the entire folder of people and not find a single one filling out this requests.

So instead she just took a deep breath, threw the folder up in the air, and let the last paper touching the floor be the grant winner.


"And with that being said, after a thorough search taking in all of your specifications, let me introduce you to our latest member in the corporation" The ungodly snake of a woman spoke as though a bullet could pierce her hand and it would bring her more joy than this celebration, and the sudden feeling of not wanting to be here at all surrounded Roku Denki, a mere twenty-two year old.

Old soul-ed since the death of his late father, tired of being tired all the time, the young guy internally sighed. He hadn't signed up of this. Government enforcing aside, if it weren't for his younger brother, he wouldn't have made an appearance here, consequences be damned. The fact that this corporation could forcibly pull him out of his life at a second notice proved how unbalanced the state of the world was. But alas, he was here. Surrounded by what appeared to be the most insane people the world could've ever birthed.

His dark eyes drifted around the rectangular table, quickly and carefully scanning his new home (prison). A yellow haired woman with kind eyes, a blue-haired teen probably younger than himself scurrying away from the commander's eyes and- is that a fucking yankee?, he could already feel himself drained away by the people around, more with that crop-topped, black purple haired woman eyeing him like a predator.

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