Behind the mask

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This week had been a mess of a ride for the commander of the Magical Elite Corporation, Ren Yamashiro.

Infiltrations, viruses, quarantine, life or death situations. You could name, it would be there; Roku Denki had been fatally injured, same could be said about a certain Azuma member, and her staff had to be placed on specific zones thanks to the regulations placed.

She couldn't finish jobs, couldn't start new ones.

A hassle.

But even on such a busied environment, she had found a way to add more fuel into the fire.

"Are you sure this isn't illegal, commander?"

Roku Denki and Ren Yamashiro found themselves inside a rocky cave right below the headquarter facilities. It was a place of darkness, zero light but the one magically constructed by the commander, and also a place practically no one but Ren, and now the janitor, knew about.

"Not s single thing I do is illegal" Ren replied nonchalantly, and Roku sweat dropped, feeling the condescending words on his core.

The dark haired powerhouse of a woman had spent the last ten minutes standing in the middle of the creepy cave with both of her eyes wide open and displaying Vairocana, the kanji letters in her purple orbs indicating as such. Books surrounded her body and pages scrolled every milisecond.

In front of her, a small wooden door kept getting constructed through her magic.

"I'm...not allowed to send you back through normal means to the human world. Only captains and exceptions are allowed; and the federals keep a tight watch on traversable portals in Japan" In a blink of an eye the door had been constructed and her eyes were back to normal, "But the government is not able to track portals randomly opened, only permanent ruptures. I promised you a visit to your family, and this is our way to get there" The door opened, and a black screen surrounded by mist blocked the view to the other side.

This was similar to the portal he took to get into Mato.

"I'm impressed, commander. You can even use teleportation..." Ren made a face and half attempted to lie and say she actually could, but no she wouldn't.

"It's only through specific runes that I can travel between the human world and Mato" She left it as that. Roku didn't need to know whether or not she could actually teleport.

The man hummed in response.

"It's still impressive. And, where would this lead us?" Roku for his part walked closer to the door and examined it.

How could magic create wood out of practically nowhere?

Ren snapped her fingers and a notepad appeared in her hands.

"...District seven, Hoshimura street. Right next to..." She had some trouble reading the name of the complex.

"Gateway apartments" Roku finished for her, demonstrating a perfect pronunciation. Ren internally nodded, colored impressed, "Have you been there before, ma'am?" The janitor questioned and she merely denied with her head.

"I can't say I have" And she didn't. Ren wouldn't really say it either, but she was never allowed around different districts than her own back when she was a child. Once she turned of age, all she got in mind were her position as a commander and Mato, so the real world had been left behind as just a memory for the dark haired commander.

Roku hummed in response once again and stepped away from the door, returning to the commander's side.

"Should I get going, then? You mentioned only a few hours..." He was right, she couldn't let the open for too long a time without anybody noticing.

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