A hanging peach

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Ren Yamashiro, for maybe the third time that single evening, found herself in a dreadful dilemma. The head of the Azuma's carriage, a black all terrain limousine as long as physics allowed, was already on sight. With them being the culprit of the new infection alarming the entirety of the corps, plus the most prideful of all units available, her quarantine was in danger. There was little to no chance they'd allow inspection from her eyes, less so when Fubuki knew just how deep her eyes could delve into someone's self. Meaning she'd need help monitoring, and not counting the 2nd's chief's clones in the slightest, since they could only brawl not think, and the wind-user; who could only manipulate wind and not think, she was left with asking the single person who had shown more situational awareness than anyone she had met in the last decade.

For the second time in her entire life, Ren Yamashiro needed help from a man. She'd need to ask Roku Denki to keep a close eye on the Azuma, before the infection spread to all of her precious staff if any at all were in touch with it.

"...Commander" The guy in question was already right behind her, looking at the limo approaching slowly from the horizon; a healing batch on his swollen cheek and freshly showered (her orders), "Are you sure the Azuma Clan won't mind me receiving them? I'd be looking like an owl at them" Ren could only sigh inside her mind. For every word the guy spoke, only factual information came out of it.

"You're the Janitor of our Headquarters, they'd do well to get used to you receiving anyone taking a step into the place" The dark haired girl replied back, "Besides-," A snap of a finger and the card Fubuki had sent Ren appeared in front of Roku's eyes.

Least all of our honor is put to shame, allow us to apologize to the poor victim of our member's rage, Roku Denki.

Satisfied, Roku nodded towards her, the card disappearing with another snap.

"I still wonder how they learnt of all this, did you-,"

"They have eyes and ears everywhere, Roku Denki" She interrupted, already knowing this question would pop up. That it did only confirmed he was the right choice for this matter, "For all my abilities and power, I myself don't have any idea how" Ren sighed, shrugging as she did so. She had scanned the place for eternity, and no clue had been found as to how the Azuma learned about events that transpired around her headquarters.

"I understand" His demeanor was changing, not really a hundred percent dog-loyal, more like a known servant now.

She'd allow it.

"Let us head down to the lobby, they will arrive any minute now" The commander declared, marching towards the door, with the Janitor right behind her.

The door opened quickly and a thud sound kicked them out of immersion.

Yakumo Ezo, down on the floor, probably too busy eavesdropping to react to the door opening.

"Oh hey!" She laughed sheepishly, lifting herself up with ease. It was clear she had also cleaned up and her bruises were already taken care of, energy back to top levels, "I-uh, I was just wondering how long would ya'-,"

"The whole evening and night if needed, so get out of here unless you'd like to face Azuma Fubuki with us as well, Ezo" Ren wasn't in the mood, and Roku couldn't blame her. Mira had already briefed him a bit on what that woman Fubuki was capable when mad, and it sounded like night and day from the person he had perceived on his introduction.

Yakumo fled the scene like a cat caught stealing, but not before waving the janitor goodbye, promising to catch up later in her bedroom. Annoyed, Ren kicked the air around the floor before continuing her march.

"You're cursed, Roku Denki. That woman is out of her mind and clearly you're her preferred playtoy"Her mood got the best out of her and somehow allowed normal conversation to begin.

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