Finding Tony

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After the Jets ran off after telling him,Riff knew that he would have to deal with them at some point but not for a while of course. He quickly ran around, hoping to find Tony. He knew that finding him would protect him and that it was literally determines his fate now that he knew what happened before anything else of that night after the rumble. He couldn't believe it. His Jets had done something he never would have allowed. He gets that their emotions were out of control but that doesn't make it okay to do that at all. He decided to just focus on finding Tony.

The aftermath of what his Jets had done could be handled some other time not now. Now he needed to focus on finding Tony and keeping him safe and importantly still alive. He heard crying and pleading as he neared the corner. He heard crying pleads and knew it had to be Tony. It had to be Tony who was crying and pleading. He became even more adamant to find him after he realized what the pleas were for. They were for Chino to come end him too. And that Tony wanted him to. It was now a very very serious life or death situation. Not like it wasn't serious at all because it was but now that he fully understood it,it was so serious.

He saw Tony just around the corner and he ran forward and grabbed Tony from behind. Tony was still calling to Chino and Riff saw his lieutenant Ice appear again and ordered for him to get Tony to somewhere where he can hide from Chino. And  suddenly Chino appeared as well,aiming at Tony and Riff leapt forward like a cheetah. Chino was not expecting it and was caught off guard and Riff went at it almost immediately. Ice was guarding Tony closely. Once Tony was concealed enough to not be seen by Chino,Ice wondered what to do now. He saw Riff was still on top of Chino and deemed it necessary for Riff to be stopping right now.

He called out,"Riff, it's been enough time. Stop!" Riff didn't stop,he kept going at it. Ice
quickly ran to him and began trying to get him away from Chino,to get him off of him. Riff fought back,"He was going to end him! I need to do this! Let me go right now! Let go!" Ice said,"But he didn't do it though Riff. He didn't get the chance to do it, it's alright." Riff kept resisting. Ice struggling to maintain his hold on him. He pulled  him away and saw what he had done to Chino. Riff fights to get free. Ice didn't let him go. Ice brought them to the ground,"Easy Daddy-O. Tony's alright. Nothing happened." He saw Lieutenant Schrank and Officer Krupke appear and tell them,"Everything's okay. Nothing happened." They nodded and left. Riff went lax in his arms,now calmed down, alright.
Ice brought him to Tony. They embraced.

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