Seeing The Person Who Nearly Ended His Life

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Tony was doing nothing but having a good time with his best friend Riff as they took a walk. Tony can tell that Riff was on edge about Tony being outside where Chino could find him and attempt again to end Tony's life. He was thinking that Chino was still seeking revenge against Tony because of the Rumble and was very nervous and on edge. He was lucky that he was able to stop Chino from doing the second aim at Tony that night but what if he wasn't able to do what he did this time next time? He was scared. He knew that Riff was scared of the same thing. However they were determined to have fun. They were going to try to have a fun time and not let fear take control at all. It might be easier said than done but they were determined to try to not let fear take over the fun time at all. 

But if it does take over,they have each other in that moment. If any emotions happen,they have each other in that moment. Tony wasn't sure if they would see Chino but if they did, he'd ignore him. He knows that Riff's reaction in that scenario if it happens would be apoplectic immediately. Tony was prepared to have to hold him back. He already had to hold him back from Chino one time and he wouldn't be shocked if he had to hold Riff back from Chino again. Or really any time that Chino came into the sight of his best friend. After all,Tony was the only person that Riff would listen to. He knew how to handle any emotional situation of Riff's. He can get Riff to listen to him when he wants to listen to the wisdom of his best friend anyway. They were just that close. Riff listened to Tony more than he listened to anyone  in his life. Tony got him to listen pretty easily, depending on the topic and mood. 

They were walking and saw someone. The someone who nearly ended Tony's life. The person who was leapt onto by Riff before he could do the second aim at Tony that night. Bernardo's right hand man Chino. He remembered that night just before Riff leapt onto Chino. He remembered that Chino almost ended him. He began to feel like there was no air and shaking bad. He was beginning to feel trapped in that near fateful night and fell to the ground,shaking and breathing unsteady. He clung to Riff and Riff said,"It's okay Tony. You're safe. Everything is fine. You are safe and sound. I'm right here. I got you. Safe. You are safe. I'm safe." Tony was still in that state. Riff said,"Breathe in through your nose." Tony did. Riff said,"Out through your mouth." Tony did. Riff said,"Take a deep breath." Tony does and he leans into Riff. Riff embraced him. They go home (Tony's place) and quickly fall asleep.

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