Day After The Panic Attack

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The day after Tony had a panic attack after seeing Chino was basically him just relaxing and Riff caretaking for his best friend, brother from another mother and care taker. Tony had always tried to take care of Riff and Riff felt it was necessary to return the favor and take care of Tony for once. It was uncommon for something like that to happen but then again they were only human beings and have emotions like everyone else in the world does. Even strong people have emotions like everyone else. Being strong doesn't mean you're emotionless and not allowed to show them. Tony sat curled up against Riff and that didn't bother Riff one bit.  Riff looked at him and he was wondering how he was feeling.

Riff asked,"How are you feeling today buddy?" Tony said,"I'm feeling alright buddy." Riff was happy to hear that response. They were happy to be having a good day and soon decided to go to bed and call it a day. There were no nightmares or anything like that for either of the two boys. This was a good thing because of what had happened the previous day and Riff didn't want his best friend to have another panic attack. No nightmares were always good. Nightmares happened of course but it was always amazing when those didn't happen.

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