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{a couple weeks later}
It was time for jays family annual vacation up at their cabin in Vermont. Jays entire family would be here his parents,his brother (and his brothers wife and daughters) his aunt and uncle, and his two first cousins (and their wives and kids)
Jay=alright let's go guys we need to get on the rode
Erin=we're coming Jay jeez stop rushing us
Jay=well i don't want to be late
Leah=we're coming daddy
She said with sass
They finally made their way out the door and into the car
Jay=alright now let's get this show on the rode
Leah=when do we get there
Jay=soon baby soon
Erin turned and looked at Leah
Erin=we'll be lucky if we get there alive with your dads driving
Leah started laughing
Jay=oh y'all think y'all are funny huh
Erin=tell daddy how funny we are
Leah spread her arms far apart
They both laughed
After driving for about 14 hours they finally were near
Jay and Erin had already switched drivers to let Jay get some sleep
When they pulled up it was night erin pushed on Jay to wake him
Erin=we're hear
Jay=oh great
Erin=let's get the bags in before we wake Leah up
They got out and stayed unloading the car
They walked up and rang the door bell
Jays cousin Brantley opened the door
Brantley=hey man!
He hugged Jay
Jay=hey dude it's been a while
Brantley=yeah we'll come on in we'll help unload your bags
Brantley, Ben, and Will went to unload the car leaving Leah asleep
After the bags were unpacked Jay and Erin decided to talk to everyone before going to wake Leah since all the kids were already in bed
Erin went in the kitchen with Sandy,Cindy,Natalie, Caroline and Kate
While Jay sat in the living room with Paul, Pat,Will,Ben,Brantley
Ben=so how's it been up there in the big city
Jay=I can't complain right now everything seems to be going well
Brantley=yeah wills been talking about how great it was I figured we get you to talk some shit about it
Jay=no I really can't it's great
Will=see I'm telling y'all
Pat=I'm not surprised Will enjoys it he's a great doctor
Will=thanks dad
Pat=yeah im proud of you im not exactly sure what Jay decided to do
Everyone stays silent
Jay scoffs
Jay=Jesus Christ
Jay=you really want to do this now dad
Pat=not my fault you decided to be a cop
Paul=pat cmon man
Pat=what?! Am I supposed to lie and say I'm as proud of him to be a cop and I am of William for being a doctor
Jay=okay im gonna go ahead and get Leah out the car and put her to bed
Pat=so you do the woman duties as well
Jay=what are you talking
Pat=Im talking about you take care of the kid and not your woman
Jay=im not having this conversation right now with you dad
Pat=yep that's the coward in you
Jay ignored him and went to wake Leah and put her to sleep
{meanwhile in the kitchen}
Caroline=so tell us Erin about this wedding that's coming up
Aunt Sandy=oh I'm so excited
Cindy=me too I get to have another wonderful daughter in law!
Natalie=it's gonna be so great
Erin=yeah I'm super excited it's just the closer it gets and the more detail and everything we have going into it the more real it seems
Kate=real in a good way right?
Erin=of course I can't wait to marry him he's amazing and I'm not just saying that because he's y'all's family but I don't know I'm getting nervous
Kate=no reason to be nervous everything is going to be great
Cindy=so erin tell me have you and Jay talked about giving me anymore grand babies
Erin laughed
Aunt Sandy=Cindy!
Erin=no it's fine umm actually we have
Caroline=oh spill
Erin=just you know I want to give Leah a sibling not too far apart from her so we will probably start trying right after the wedding
Aunt Sandy=well you know we will all lo be that baby no matter what but I sure hope it's a boy goodness we have 6 little girls around here
including Leah
Cindy=yeah but no matter what we'll be super excited
Jay walked into the kitchen
Jay=hey ladies didn't mean to interrupt
He looked at erin
Jay=I went ahead and got Leah and put her in one of the bunkbeds upstairs she's out like a light and don't worry I didn't wake up in of kids by putting her in room
Erin=great thanks babe
He walked over to his mom
Cindy=oh I missed you
Jay=I missed you too mom
Cindy=so did you talk to your dad
Jay=I rather not talk about him right now
Cindy=oh my gosh have y'all already gotten into an argument
Jay=not an argument he just told me he's not as proud of me as he is of Will
Cindy=gosh I'm sorry baby
Jay=no mom it's fine just the same shit he says all the time
Cindy=I'm going to talk to him
Jay=mom I'm not a child anymore I don't need you to fight my battles for me with him
Cindy=okay we'll just try to ignore him and make the best of it
Jay=yeah I will
They all said goodnight and Erin and Jay headed to bed
Erin=you want to tell me what happened with your dad
Jay=it's nothing really he's just an asshole who's never pleased with me
Erin=I heard you say he's not proud of you
Jay=yeah that pretty obvious
Erin=well I'm proud of you and I love you
Jay=I love you too

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