Chapter 12: 'Grave' situation, Branwen's captured

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(A/N) This chapter is timeskip heavy.


Beacon Academy, Cafeteria.

Time: 0500

Jaune: Let's move, 141 with me we got a new mission.

Dane: What about us?

Jaune: I want you all the watch the prisoners, Alpha will be assisting the classes, and Los Vaqueros is set to a QRF for our mission.

Dane: Roger.

Jaune: Let's move, Ozpin, Ironwood, and Laswell is waiting for us on briefing.


Time: 0530

Ozpin: Good morning, everyone, we have some rising concern happening near the village of Kuroyuri.

Laswell: A massive amount of Grimm has been disappearing in the area even though the village was destroyed by a Grimm they call a 'Nuckelavee'.

Ironwood: We want you all to investigate the situation there, report back anything there.

Ozpin: Mistral has cleared you to fly through their airspace I should warn you though, the Branwen tribe is stationed there so I'm tasking one of my agents with you.

Ironwood: Qrow Branwen, former member of the Branwen will meet you 1 click outside the village.

Ozpin: Take this patch, if anyone asks you where you're from, show them this.

Ozpin then hands them a patch that has Vale's symbol, with 'Beacon Academy' written underneath.

Ozpin: Good luck and remember do not engage with anyone else you are being shot at.


Time: 0700

A Blackhawk containing 141, Alpha 2-4, and Alpha 2-2 was being flown over a dense forest.

Jaune: You all remember the ROE?

Ghost: Affirmative.

Soap: Do we have any idea what Ozpin's agent looks like?

Jaune: Black hair, pale red eyes and carrying a scythe and likes to drink... a lot.

Roach: That's... nice?

All of a sudden Todd yelled out to 141.

Todd: We're here! Releasing ropes!

Gaz: Here we go.

The Blackhawk then released 2 ropes one on each side, as 141 rappels down.

Todd: 141 has rappelled down, we're RTB'ing at this time.

As the Blackhawk left the area and went back to Beacon, the team observed their surroundings until some bushes started to move.

Everyone raised their weapons to the bush.

Jaune: Move up...

Jaune and the rest of 141 approached the bush only for a middle-aged man to come out of the bush.

Qrow: Agh, damn branches.

Qrow looked around to see 5 people guns drawn and pointed to him.

Qrow: Uh...

Jaune: State your name, and business.

Qrow: The names Qrow, you the guy's Ozpin sent?

After realizing this was the agent everyone lowered their guns.

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