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Go Eun's dream melted to steady thumping all around her. Then she opened her eyes just a crack, and realized that it was the consistent rapping on the door that woke Go Eun from her sleep.

"Mwoya? Go away," Go Eun mumbled to the door before closing her eyes once more, curling together like a hedgehog. The knocking did not stop there.

"Ya, open it. What time is it already, and you are still sleeping." It was Chul. His voice sounded urgent, but with a tinge of excitement.

Go Eun turned over on her bed, holding a pillow over her head and pulling the covers more over her body, mumbling something to tell Chul to go away

"Ya! Ya."

It was the seriousness of Chul's tone that finally jolted Go Eun out of her groggy state.

"What do you want?" Go Eun dragged her speech, lifting her head from the bed, squinting her eyes at the door. She was slightly more awake now, because Chul's tone told her that there seemed to be some sort of emergency.

"Open the door first."

Rolling her eyes, Go Eun sprang up from her bed, yanking the door open. "So, what is it that you want?"

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Go Eun squealed, clapping her hands vigorously.

"What is there to be so thrilled about? It's not yours, anyway," Chul said disapprovingly, shaking his head. "So, what would it be?"

Go Eun nodded in agreement, almost too happy that she could finally do something useful.

Ten minutes later, Go Eun was riding shotgun beside Chul, driving the car that the usually drove her. Go Eun had agreed after much persuasion, though she could not contain the pleasure in knowing that her father had been lenient on her this time. It was probably her good mood that landed her in the job of chaperone on Chul's date.

"How does she look like?" Go Eun asked for the third time in ten minutes, her eyes shining with expectation. "Is she pretty? Does she have a good personality? Oh, I see. You're totally in love with her, aren't you?"

Chul's face instantly grew red. He blinked a few times, then redirected his attention onto the road ahead. "H— Hajimarago! I only met her online, but I do know how she looks like." He blushed at the thought.

Go Eun narrowed her eyes. "Online? Do you even know if she's legitimate? What if she's a fraudster, out to trick innocent men like you? You know that we Koreans don't find dates online. Where did she even arrange to meet?"

"That you don't have to worry. I arranged for the venue myself, so it's definitely safe." Chul gave Go Eun an easy-going smile.

                                                              〰 〰 〰

(Fifteen minutes earlier)

Chul stood outside the door. He had done himself up so much that he was almost beyond recognition.

Go Eun recognized that outfit as the one Chul had went out to get a few weeks back. It was a black leather jacket, with denim ripped jeans. And apparently, it was the first time he had actually worn it.

Chul could not be considered someone with no fashion sense, but he was definitely not the kind to dress as if he was going to a gala show. So Go Eun was pleasantly surprised in a strange way when her eyes laid on Chul.

"Uh, Chul, what is this for?" Go Eun asked, trying not to snigger. It was not funny, but the awkward way that Chul was carrying himself seemed laughable. Since Go Eun was usually the one being laughed at, it was good to let him get a taste of his own medicine for a change.

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