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Two years ago

"Father—" Go Eun pleaded. "Jebal (Please)—"

Her father whirled around, gave her a warning look. "Go Eun, I do not wish to hear more protests from you. You should very well obey me and get inside. I have a very important meeting to attend, and I do not wish you take up more of my time." With that, he nodded towards the guard, who opened the car door for him.

The car drove away. Go Eun collapsed onto the stone-paved walkway from the house to the gate, exhausted from arguing and crying. Her chest heaved up and down, her mind screaming a thousand curses at her father. Why, oh why, did he have to do this to her?

"Miss, you should get in. It's hot outside." Mae-il, the house caretaker, said softly. "Come, let's get you in." She slowly helped Go Eun to her feet, bringing her in through the door.

Go Eun crashed into the couch, grabbing a cushion roughly and punching it over and over. "Why? Why did he have to do that? Is it actually so bad, to go to an arts-medium university?"

Mae-il smiled woefully at Go Eun, who had angry tears forming in her eyes. She sat down beside her. "Go Eun-ah, you have to know, your father is very strict in your endeavors. He expects highly of you. If you did not meet his expectations, of course he'd be mad. I don't mean that he's right to do that to you, though," she said. "Aish, you should cheer up already, Miss. It is alright. One month will pass in a flash. You wouldn't know it, and it'd be over. The house is big, is it not? You are free to roam inside. Your father did not mention of being confined in your room."

"Mae-il, you wouldn't understand." Go Eun shook her head miserably, standing up. "I'm heading to my room. Once lunch is ready, you can bring it in."

                                                            〰 〰 〰

"Mwo, you got grounded by your parents? Jinjja? Wae?" Go Eun was bombarded by a thousand questions from Jeong Hui upon informing her of this. "So that means we can't hang out together next week? I was hoping we can rewind for a bit after exams, but now..." She did a sad pout on the screen.

Go Eun shrugged. "I'm fine, if you're worried. You'll also be attending the same university, right? Hasn't it always been your lifelong goal? And now you've reached it. I'm happy for you, my friend." She would have given Jeong Hui a stroke on the shoulder if they were face-to-face and not video calling. Speaking of it, she wished they could meet again. It had only been a few minutes, but Go Eun already felt suffocated, like she was being stuffed into something that was a few times too small for her size.

Over the screen, Jeong Hui beamed with pride. "Well, yes. It has been my goal indeed. Appa and omma were so happy for me. They promised to get me an e-scooter, so that it would be more convenient for me to travel long distances." She squealed in excitement.

Sighing in contentment for Jeong Hui, Go Eun put her phone down on the bed, burying her face in her hands. Yes, she was overjoyed for her friend. But what did she have, now? While everyone was tasting the sweet fruits of their labor, Go Eun was stuck here, being grounded. And not only that, she'd have to live the rest of the two years or so of her life being called a shame to the family. Without siblings, all her parents' hopes had been on her shoulders. Now she'd crushed them like flies.

"Well, I guess that's all for today, Jeong Hui. I've things on my list. See you again in... I don't know when." Go Eun pressed the hang up button, without waiting for Jeong Hui.

Aish. Go Eun had a terrible urge to curse. But she knew language wasn't allowed in this house. "Ssibal," she said, as quietly as she could.

An idea popped into her mind. Go Eun was bored, so why not she do something different for a change? Jumping to her feet, she slid open the doors of the storage room in her room, turning on the lights.

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