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She didn't know how to react. It seemed queer to be delightful, especially since that was so sudden. And it didn't feel good to demand for a reason from him, too.

Biting her lips, Go Eun placed her thumbs over the keyboard on the phone screen, her mind searching hard for a reply. Simply saying a hi didn't sound enough.

I see. May I ask if there is a reason why you sent me a message?

And how may I address you?

Go Eun sent another text.

Jungkook's reply came almost immediately, though Go Eun couldn't see if he was online or not.

You may address me by my name. I don't really mind.

Somehow, despite the formalities in the exchange, Go Eun could sense some cheekiness from the other line. It was probably just her intrusive thoughts, but she thought Jungkook might be smiling.

Go Eun saw him typing, and another message came.

I've seen some of your artworks in your Instagram page, and I'm interested in them. You studied at the University of Art, am I right?

Go Eun's hands paused over the keyboard. Then she typed a quick response.


                                                                    〰 〰 〰

Go Eun hadn't had an idea what the occasion was, but she obeyed her father and got dressed in something formal but casual at the same time — a pair of skinny jeans, a thin yellow-green jacket and a white t-shirt inside.

"Father, what's the occasion?" Go Eun asked curiously, buttoning her jacket. "It's only eight in the morning."

Her father was sipping on a mug of coffee sitting on the couch, with his legs crossed. "Read that," he said plainly, passing Go Eun his phone. Go Eun took it, all the while looking at her father with a sort of queer expression and ran her eyes over the contents of the email on his phone.

She froze on the spot. That email was from...

"Jeon Jungkook," her father finished the sentence for her. "It seemed you have done something to catch the attention of the star Jungkook, Go Eun."

Go Eun saw what was coming and dropped the phone on the couch. It bounced a few times and landed beside her father's lap. He stared lazily at the phone.

"You seem to know what's happening," he guessed. "But I do not. Care to explain?"

Go Eun gulped. "Well, I can't consider myself to know what is happening... As a matter of fact, that surprised me, too." She crossed her arms, frowning down, then perked up. "Father, I'm sure Jungkook means no harm. Why not you just let me go to the meeting point which he arranged for us to meet? Chul can come along."

                                                                    〰 〰 〰

A few minutes later, Go Eun was sitting at the backseat of the car while Chul pulled out of the driveway.

Chul adjusted the back view mirror so that he could see Go Eun's reflection. "You seem strangely excited. I mean, I guess you would, since you're going to be meeting one of your favorite idols."

Go Eun pursed her lips, tapping her chin with one finger in deep thought. A question, the same one which had bugged her since this morning, swirled in her head: What was his intention?

Part of her was sure Jungkook meant no harm. As someone who idolized him, she was certain. Even if he had sinister intentions... surely there'd be nothing he could do in public, right? Someone would stop him. And also, if Jungkook ever wanted to hurt her, why would he suggest the meeting place be an internet café?

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