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Y/n POV:

'Ugh, I OFFICIALLY HATE LIFE!! Why Do I have to study things which I don't like? I wanna become a doctor, but my parents want me to become a lawyer! Good thing I saved up some money to go to another Country and I booked a ticket a week ago. I'm going to America for Medical school, and I informed my parents. Their reaction was unexpected...'

Y/n: *Goes to living room* I-I have something to say...

Mr. & Mrs. Park: Yes?

Y/n: I-I am going to America day after tomorrow...

Mrs. Park: *shocked*

Mr. Park: Why...?

Y/n: For my studies...I wanna become a neurologist...

Mrs. Park: *Hugs you* Oh! My daughter's all grown up!!

Y/n: I'm literally turning 18 next month 😑 Of course, I'm grown up! Also, I thought you guys will be mad for not being a lawyer and going to a country alone...?

Mr. Park: Well...We've thought about it after you fought with us about your future career...We are so sorry about deciding your career without caring about what you liked...

Y/n: *Hugs your parents* Aww, You guys don't have to be sorry for what you guys did! It was just a silly fight! Plus, When I come back, I will bring some amazing foods for you guys to eat! 😊

Mrs. Park: Thank you, Darling! Now, pack your bags cuz' day after tomorrow is your flight to your future! Be prepared!

Mr. Park: Yeah darling. Be prepared for a new life cuz' living alone is hard.

Y/n: It's fine Appa. I will try my best to live a good life there!

Mr. & Mrs. Park: We will miss you darling!

Y/n: Me too Appa....Me too Eomma...I love you guys! *Hugs your parents*

Mr. & Mrs. Park: *Hugs back*


Y/n POV:

Y/n: Eomma! Appa! It's time to leave!

Mrs. Park: *Cries* I'll miss you, Sweetie!

Mr. Park: Me too, Darling!

Y/n: Eomma...Don't cry! Plus, Appa, Take care of mom!

Mr. Park: Will do!

Mrs. Park: Okay darling *wipes tears* Okay Y/n...

Y/n: Take care of each other and Love you guys as always! *Hugs your parents*

Mr. & Mrs. Park: *Hug back* We will miss you Y/n...

Y/n: I will miss you guys too...Take care and stay safe!

Mrs. Park: Don't forget to call us every day!

Y/n: Of course! Now, I have a flight to catch! As soon as I reach there. I will call you guys, okay?

Mr. Park: That sounds better!

Y/n: Bye guys! See you again If God wills!

Mr. & Mrs. Park:  If God wills it! Bye Y/n! Take care!

Y/n: You too...❤

[15 Hours Later...]

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