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Nick and Chris just got back home, and I felt like a dick for it, but I wanted to ask about Ava. I wanted to know how she was, because I could imagine she wasn't good. I started feeling bad for what I did now, I missed her, and I don't know if I could get her back now. I know that she doesn't want to see me at all and that was the worst pain.

"How is she?" I asked them.

"Terrible, how are you doing?" Nick asked.

"Oh you care now?"

"You're my brother- I care you just piss me off," He gave me a smile.

"I'm not doing good honestly, did she say anything?" I asked.

"No, not much, she did talk though, very minimal though," He replied.

"Did you see the cuts on her arm?" Chris asked grabbing a Pepsi out of the fridge.

"What?" I asked, that made me concerned.

"Yeah Chris, what?" 

"She had like seven of them, i didn't know if they were just really dark scars or not," He took a drink of his Pepsi.

"No, no no no no no," I started to freak out.

I was the reason she relapsed, I can't believe I was the reason she relapsed. I was suppose to be the one who protected her, and I was the one who hurt her. I stood up quickly and grabbed my keys.

"Matt, where are you going?" Nick raised his eyebrow.

"Ava's," I started to cry.

"Matt that's really not a good idea-" Chris started.

"Chris no I can't leave her be anymore."

"Are you su-"

"Let him go Chris, maybe she won't punch him in the face, who knows," Nick replied.

I just brushed the comment off I didn't care right now, I ran down to the car and started it before I even fully sat down. I drove in silence to her apartment, I was going about 90 in 40, but I didn't care, I needed to make sure she was okay. I noticed flashing lights in my review mirror and my breath hitched.


I pulled over to the side of the road, and three cop cars pulled behind me. Four cops got out of the car quickly and came up to the car, and I rolled my window down.

"Please step out of the vehicle," One said.

"Isn't that unnecessary? I mean, you could just write me a speeding ticket and I'll be on my way- I'm on my way to my gi-" Cop number three cut me off.

"Do you know how fast you were going? That is highly illegal young man, you're under arrest." 

I opened the car door, and got out willingly, I knew that the less I gave any problems, the less of the trouble I would be in, I hope anyway. They hand cuffed and they asked if I had someone to get the car, and I told them yeah, and they called Laura. They told me they weren't going to confiscate it because it was my first ever ticket but they still needed to take me in because of how fast I was going. I was put in the back of one of the cars and they took me to the station where they put me in a holding cell and gave me my one phone call, so I called Nick.

"Matthew what the fuck?" Nick scolded.

"I was going to Ava's- and I was trying to get there quickly so she didn't attempt again, and I got caught-" I replied.

I heard him laugh and I heard Chris laugh too, "Alright we're on our way."

"Okay, thank you."

I told the officer, and he brought me to get finger printed and my mugshot taken because apparently they needed to do that.

"So you were on your way to see your girlfriend?" The guy asked.

"Well she's not my girlfriend- it's complicated-" I replied.

"You're trying to get her back," He sympathized with me.

"Yeah, basically."

"I did the same thing at your age, now I'm married to her with 3 kids, so, maybe something good with come from this," He let out a laugh.

Something about that was comforting, I don't know why, but having someone that was in the situation I am at this second, them going through it, and him being a cop, makes me feel a little bit better.

"Sturniolo, your brothers and a Ms. Smith are here to bail you out."

"Ava?" I questioned.

"Sir I don't know, I just report that your bailers are here," The guy let out a laugh.

"Yeah, thanks."

I walked out into the lobby and I saw Nick filling out paperwork.

"You fucking idiot," Ava laughed and pulled my head down, giving me a passionate kiss.

"Why'd you come?"

"Because people fuck up, and I feel forgiving."

"God-" I let out a hopeful sigh and kissed her.

"We're not dating again," She pulled away and scolded.

"Yeah, I don't care." I kissed her again and she laughed in the kiss.


YIPPY MATT AND AVA ARE BACK!!! Don't get comfortable. I hope you enjoyed this chapter though, I thought it would be funny he got arrested, but anyway, 

I love you all so much <333

drop songs for me to put on my writing playlist?!

841 Words!

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