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Today is Ava's six month appointment and I would like to say she's gotten even more bitchier than she was before the baby, like I feel like I'm walking on goddamn eggshells. She told me she didn't want me going to the appointment today and I was totally fine with that so I didn't have to deal with her.

"Are you who okay?" Nick asked.

"yeah, she's just being a raging bitch," I replied.

"Well, Matthew, this isn't just a time where you can write her off, she's doing it because of hormones," He replied.

"She doesn't fucking want me around anyway, so it's fine," I rolled my eyes.

"I knew this was going to happen," He scoffed.

"What the fuck is that suppose to mean?" I asked.

"You expect her to be all sunshine and rainbows all the time, so you can have a movie perfect relationship, wake up Matt, she has a fucking kid growing in her, either deal with the moodiness or get the fuck out of dodge," He snapped.

"I don't understand why she needs to direct it towards me, I never asked for this kid anyway," I snapped back.

"You're fucking unbelievable-" Nick stormed out of my room.

I rolled my eyes and started texting my friend Emily, seeing if she wanted to hang out, because Ava clearly didn't want to be around me. I invited her over and when she got here I went and answered the door, welcoming her, then walking up the stairs.

"Who the fuck is she?" Nick asked.

"My friend," I snapped back.

"She's not welcome here, because I know damn fucking right who she is," He was not a happy camper.

"Oh, he knows about that kiss?" She laughed.

"Yeah, I do, and I'd like it if you fucking left, because he has a baby on the way," Nick stood up, "So, shoo, goodbye."

"Are him and the mother together though? Like what's the situation there?" She got kind of snippy with him.

"No we're not," I lied.

Nick's eyes widened and he just stared at me, and I just stared back.

"So I don't see the problem with us hooking up then?" She questioned.

"I'd love to hear the answer on this one," Nick crossed his arms.

"What's going on? Why's she here?" Chris walked into the room.

Fuck my life-

"We were going to just hang out, chill out-" I replied to him.

"Isn't she the girl that you made out with that one time?"

"Damn do you tell your brothers everything?" She asked.

"Yeah, he does actually, why does that matter?" Chris asked.

"They must really like your baby momma," She pursed her lips.

"What's this bitches problem with Ava? She doesn't even know her-" Chris just kept going.

"Oh my fucking god Chris just shut the fuck up- We're going to my room-" I rolled my eyes and led Emily to the room.


HELLO EVERYONE !!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter !!! I would like to preface that I do not think Matt is an asshole like I'm portraying him in the book, I absolutely love Matt to death, I myself am a Matt girly, but I wanted to do it for spice, so I hope no one gets mad at me, because book Matt is nothing like real Matt. 

I love you all so much <333

if Matt and Ava were a song, what would they be?

543 Words!

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