chapter three

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Y/n's pov

I was fencing with Xavier and ofcourse he lost.

"Ha!, You lost again" I bragged as he took off his mask off as did I.

Wednesday walk past us in her black fencing garments.

"Coach, coach, she tripped me" Rowan said who was on the floor, I glared at him and rolled my eyes at his whining.

"It was a clean strike, rowan" coach said glaring at the guy.

"Maybe if you whined less and practice more, you wouldn't suck, seriously coach when am I gonna get real competition?" Bianca bragged and I chuckled softly as I glanced at Bianca.

"Oh please, it's not like I didn't beat you multiple times Bianca" I said, I smirked and she just rolled her eyes playfully.

"Anyone else wanna challenge me?" Bianca said.

"I do" Wednesday said making Bianca turn towards her direction.

"Oh, you must be the psychopath they let in" Bianca said as she tilt her head.

"You must be the self-appointed queens bee, interesting thing about bees. Pull up there stingers and they drop dead" Wednesday said.

"Hey!, watch it pale face that's my roommate your talking to" I said harshly earning a smirked from Bianca.

Wednesday looked at me then back to Bianca.

"Are we doing this or not?" Wednesday ask tilting her head.

They start fighting Wednesday got the first point and Bianca had the second point.

"That first point was clearly beginner luck let's finish this" Bianca said taking off her mask.

"For the final point I would like to invoke a military challenge, no mask, no tips. Winner draws first blood" Wednesday said.

"It's your decision Bianca" coach said.

"Let's see if you bleed in black and white" Bianca said tossing her mask on the ground.

The two went black and forth Wednesday successfully blocking every attacks that Bianca sent her as they moved around the room.

Tension filled the room, the two very determined that one of them will win.

Until Bianca successfully landed a hit on Wednesday's forehead, blood streamed down her wound.

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