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Riley's pov
Last night was rough. I have been sitting with Ricky in complete silence for about seven hours now. Summer had taken a rapid turn for the worse and what they thought was just her optic nerve, was also her brain stem. That's why she's been stuck in this coma. By the end of the night, she was determined brain dead. Completely.

Willa said she had maybe a day on the ventilator to keep her heart pumping but that it, along with all her other organs, would stop working regardless. Her parents wanted to just take her off, they couldn't handle seeing her so lifeless which was understandable. Regardless of that, Calvin said we'd give Leo time to wake up to see her while she still breathed. He hasn't woken up yet.

"Hey, brought you some breakfast" Gio said sitting a bag in my lap as he, Hailey, and Rory walked up to us "thanks Gio" "of course. Any change on Leo" "no unfortunately. We're just supposed to wait and see how the surgery helps him progress" I said and he nodded.

"Do you want to try to eat something" I asked Ricky "no thank you baby" he said quietly "okay. I can save some for you" I suggested and he just shook his head no this time so I left it alone.

"Are her parents still in there" Hailey asked "her dad left. He said he needed a break from seeing her like that" "that's heartbreaking. Does Willa know for sure how long she has on the ventilator" "no, she said if not by the end of today, then tomorrow. Her organs have been going into failure all night, it's just a matter of time before her heart follows" I said and they nodded. We all sat and waited some more.

Haileys pov
The trial was the day after tomorrow. I've only seen Isaac once since last time. He said they had been putting him in and out of solitary, he suspects to make his last few days hard and that the order came from Harley. He said that for now, Paul told him to endure what he could and that it might be useful in court. We call when we can but it doesn't compare to seeing him. Come trial day though, that wouldn't be a problem. At least I hoped.
We spent hours in the hospital before leaving them alone again.


Isaacs pov
"One more day, huh kid" Rocky said as we sat at the table for breakfast "yea, grazie a dio. I wouldn't say I'm returning to a very joyous situation" "condolences by the way. So what's the next step for you" "well, treat my wife with whatever she wants then it's back to business" "have to make sure the city hasn't forgotten you" he asked jokingly "trust me, mi amico, they have not forgotten, but a reminder certainly won't hurt".

"Thank you again for everything in here" I told him "yea, it was no problem. Giovanni called in a favor and you did make my life in here a whole lot easier. The king of Manhattan huh" "stop that. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you out there" "I might take you up on that offer, I hope you're not bullshitting me" "not at all" I said and he nodded.

I had been in and out of solitary confinement for the dumbest shit. Someone starts a fight with me, solitary. I'm up two minutes late, solitary. My uniform is not completely up to standard, solitary. I don't answer a guard the exact way they want to be answered that day, solitary. I mean any reason they can find. That's why I think Harleys behind it. Him and all his people know I'm getting out as soon as I get to trial so they're making my last few days difficult.

I was really just ready to be out of this hell hole and back home. If this is even a portion of what Gio went through I don't blame him for turning out the way he did. Circumstances are different, so I'll be okay. I get to go home to my love and our soon to be family. She keeps me grounded so I'm not worried.

I think if Gio had Rory when he got out, he'd be better off. I could see the change in him just by the one visit we had where he told me they were back together. Seemed like a weight was lifted off of him, made me happy to see it.
One more day, mi amor.

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