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"Maybe I've been too cold with him" San looked at his reflection on the huge mirror in front of him. Thinking things out loud wouldn't have solved anything, though.

The previous night when they arrived home he didn't really give Wooyoung much attention: the scared look on the boy's face every time San got a slightly bit closer, the way he flinched and started shaking every time he touched him, the frightened looks and the habit of never looking straight at San, they were all good signals for the older one to give Wooyoung some space. But still, after San had locked himself in his room he didn't feel at peace.

He had just bought Wooyoung. He had bought a person, flesh and bones, like it was an object. He didn't want to scare the boy any further but what concerned him the most was that he didn't want Wooyoung to think of himself like a property.

San looked at his Rolex: he still had fifteen minutes to not be late to the office. Hongjoong had made himself clear: with such a huge money loss they had to reorganise some work and cut as many expenses they could and it had to be done immediately. He couldn't be late today. But (now) ten minutes were more then enough. He pulled a black tie out from one drawer al put it around his neck, leaving it hanging from his shoulders, he would have fixed it later.

He left his room and walked quickly to the door next to his. He didn't think much before he knocked loudly on the wooden surface. A few seconds passed before he could hear steps approaching the door and unlock it. It opened slightly, Wooyoung still sleepy face peaking from the gap. He was still rubbing his eye and San couldn't help but think at how cute he looked before that sweet, innocent face turned into a panicked expression. Wooyoung took a few steps back, opening the door completely and letting San in, he timidly walked inside the room and closed the door behind him before looking at Wooyoung unsure on how to start that conversation. The atmosphere was weird, both boys looked at each other for a few seconds before San took the courage and said the first sentence.

"Good morning, I'm sorry to just barge in here unannounced..." he scratched his head feeling uncomfortable, he thought of a way of cutting that suffocating tension but not much came to his mind
He remembered how that scared look who was so characterising of Wooyoung seemed to disappear the night before only when he heard Hongjoong and San bickering, maybe he could play that card again.

"I don't have much time before Hongjoong comes and scolds me for being late" he chuckled, "but I-"

"I understand, master" Wooyoung stopped him halfway, "I'll make it quick, don't worry"

San was about to ask what he meant but he didn't have time because in a second Wooyoung was kneeled between his legs unbuckling San's belt. The older was so shocked that he could move and speak again only when his zip was all the way down too. Wooyoung was about to undress him of his trousers when San finally stopped him.

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