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It was almost too easy how it ended up becoming a routine. Wooyoung would have sat in front of the huge iris field painting at sunset, waiting, lost in his world until San soft voice would rescue him bringing him to an even better one. Telling him stories, explaining the life hidden behind every work of art collected in that room. Wooyoung would have listened, bewitched by that voice and its owner with his dimpled smile and cat like eyes.

The weirdest thing was that they were at ease with each other just within the walls of that room. They could have spent hours, Wooyoung asking questions and San answering them, and be comfortable in each others presence, feeling so natural and beautiful, but every time they left the museum it was all coming to an end.

Weeks passed like this and sometimes Wooyoung wished San would approach him outside of their comfort zone but was too shy to ask or make the first move. On the other hand San was terrified to be rejected by a too scared Wooyoung that would have accepted his presence just 'til it stayed confined within those four walls, surrounded by paintings and sculptures he could teach him about.

Weeks passed like this until...

"I think I'm catching a cold" Seonghwa stood up wobbling on his legs after he had barely touched his food, "I'm not feeling very well" he was about to pick up his still half full plate when Hongjoong anticipated him.

"If you don't feel too well you can go and rest, leave the plates" he got closer to Seonghwa, a hand circling his waist holding him up while the other raised to his forehead to feel his temperature, "I think you are running a fever, let's go, you really need a good sleep" he turned to look at San who gave him a smiley nod before standing up and taking care of Seonghwa plate and cutlery.

"We've got this hyung, try to rest and get better, okay?" he smiled once again this time looking straight at Wooyoung who was still looking at Seonghwa with concerned eyes, "Tonight I'll help you with the dishes, Wooyoung-ah"

Hearing his name Wooyoung almost jumped on his chair, the fork he was holding dropped back on the plate as he looked at San and blushed, "T-thank you, San" he stuttered.

After Hongjoong and Seonghwa left the dining room greeting the two boys goodnight an embarassed silence dropped in the room, just the clinging of the plates being moved from the table to the kitchen could be heard.

"You know you don't have to help me, I can take care of it by myself" Wooyoung whispered while emptying the plate of the remainings of Seonghwa food in the bin.

San turned, "But I want to help you" he paused lowering his gaze for a second, "unless– unless you don't want me to" his voice dropping of an octave as he stated almost sadly.

"No! I mean– sure... I don't mind! Ehm– you c-can–" Wooyoung panicked, he didn't want San to think he wasn't welcomed, he didn't even realise he had walked closer to where the older was standing trying to help him with the remaining dishes he was holding, "I'll b-be happy, huh– I-if... You know! W-wait let me take this–" he tried to take the glasses from San hands but his hold was too shaky and he ended up making them fall to the ground, glass shuttering all over the floor.

"Fuck!" he swore and when he realised it he blushed even more crouching down to pick up the shreded glasses and hiding his face at the same time, "I-I'm so sorry, San!"

San noticed Wooyoung flushed state and immediately crouched down too to help him in his task, "Wait! Wooyoung, let me do it, I don't want you to cut yourse– ouch!" he couldn't even finish his sentence that he felt a sting on his index finger, blood starting flowing out from the cut, "Oopsie!" he chuckled taking his finger to his mouth preventing the blood from spilling on the floor.

Iris field • woosanWhere stories live. Discover now