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Miles awoke under the glow of the tree, the morning light also shining into the crater from the opening of the volcano, an Ash Na'vi girl wrapped under his right arm, her face nestled into the top of his chest. Last night he did something that could never ever be undone and that he couldn't believe. For the first time though, since he had begun to grapple with these feelings he had for Zu... he didn't care. What's done is done. Zu was going to be a part of his new life now and that was something that everyone in his life on Pandora would have to accept.

He just laid there shirtless in the soft, cool moss, thinking about how he was going to explain this to Bridgehead Command. Thinking about how he wanted Zu to accompany him back to Bridgehead City. And gosh he hoped she would want to. But what would everyone there think of this? It didn't matter of course, he kept telling himself that he didn't really care, but... he did wonder. What would the General think? What would Parker or the other RDA suits think? However, it's not like he's failed this mission. By all accounts, prior to the abrupt mission change, it has been a success. Learn these people. See what they can offer the RDA. Train them on weapons. He did what was asked of him... he just also happened to have found the love of his life along the way.

Miles was done thinking about these matters, he wanted to think about Zu. He turned his attention and focus to her soft, alluring body pressed against him his under his arm, her light breath on his chest.

Miles shuffled slightly, getting some separation from Zu, trying not to wake her, but enough to be able to look down at her sweet face. He bent his left arm and rested his head on his hand to look at her, his right hand hanging over her waist, gently stroking her with his thumb. Zu was sleeping in the soft moss in front of him, using his tank as a sort of cover for her upper body, both her hands under her head. Her mouth was open, canine teeth showing, and she was drooling slightly, but dammit if she wasn't the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. Miles just watched her, smiling, with his ears leaned back, his tail curling behind him on the ground gently.

Zu's orange eyes opened to see Miles' golden eyes staring into hers. She smiled.

"Good morning," he voiced gently, then he leaned in to kiss her on the forehead.

"Hi My-ulls," she replied playfully.

Today was the day they would be leaving and he had to be back to the village soon. But ohhhh he realized he would never hear the end of it from his Marines who surely noticed that he did not return to his hut last night and isn't there this morning. His Marines though, he thought. What good fellas, looking out for him and his feelings. They'd surely be happy over these developments. The thought actually warmed Miles and Zu saw him smile and leaned forward into his neck, nuzzling him. Miles didn't want to waste another breath though, he was anxious about the future and needed to know the next steps of his life.

"Zu," he said.

She removed her face from his body and looked up at him.

"I want you to come to Bridgehead City with me."

A look of surprise splashed across Zu's face. She quickly sat up, holding Miles' tank against her chest, preventing it from sliding down. Miles leaned up next to her, nervous, and held her waist, his tail flicking behind him.

Miles anxiously followed up with, "We can call it a honeymoon."

She looked at him, confused. "What is hunnymoon?"

"It's umm... Like a getaway for new... mates. Usually something romantic, fun, something they'd both enjoy... I realize that Bridgehead doesn't exactly fit that description, but... I don't know, you might enjoy it," he answered lightly, trying to assure her.

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