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It was mid-morning, the sun's early rays glinting upon the water and the ravaged city. The Ash Na'vi warriors were preparing to depart Bridgehead City soon, most of them having become keenly aware of Zu's absence. Where was their princess? Why was she not with her mate? Why were he and the bald combined blood going to linger back a bit until after the eclipse?

The warriors were murmuring amongst themselves as they packed up their final things, and gently, respectfully placed the wrapped bodies of their deceased on their Ikrans. A somber attitude overhung the war camp. They had no choice but to trust their new Olo'eyktan. Trust that he had their best interests at heart.

Ko'yeh would be taking Ta'zem's body on his Ikran. Additionally, the surviving cliff Ikrans of slain warriors would be accompanying them back to Dragon's Tail, most of them having reflexively returned to the peninsula and were staying near the Ikrans with survived warriors. Miles noticed that the riderless Ikrans seemed... sad, as far as animals went. Quieter than their counterparts whose riders weren't killed. Miles also realized that Zu's unique Ikran, Za, with the white spot on his face, wasn't among the riderless ones. He must have followed her to wherever she was taken and he sure hoped that Za wouldn't suffer the same fate as Karuk.

Miles arms crossed, tail curling anxiously, was watching his warriors pack up. He was trying to project a regal confidence, the latter of which he'd normally be able to pull off. Miles was confident... and arrogant. But it was hard. His guilt about lying over what happened to Zu only grew. Though he had a plan, there was no guarantee of its success. He could die before even freeing Sully. He could free Sully and then die in the inevitable firefight.

Not to mention his looming fear that after arriving with and releasing Jake, there would be nothing stopping them from just killing him and Zu. If he didn't return... he was placing Mansk in the devastating position of revealing his lie to the Ash Na'vi. To Zu's mother.

Miles was interrupted from his thoughts by Mansk and Lyle, Mansk in his sling.

"We should be ready to go soon, Colonel," Mansk remarked, a pang of sadness and worry in his voice. He didn't want to be separated from his brothers. From his family.

Miles, detecting his demeanor, responded, "Ah there's no rush. They said leave by morning, but what the hell are they gonna do if we leave closer to the eclipse?" Lyle smiled and Mansk gave an assured expression. "Don't worry, son. Lyle and I will be right behind ya by only a few hours... we're gonna tap into Sully's luck stores for once."

Lyle asked, "Colonel, how far outta the city limits are we gonna go?"

"I'm thinking we don't even leave the base," Miles replied, a self-satisfied smile on his face.

Lyle smiled. "Yes, sir."

Miles pointed to a rocky overhang of the peninsula. "We can wait there."

As soon as the last sliver of Alpha Centauri B hid behind Polyphemus, Miles and Lyle were going to leave their hidden spot on the peninsula, fly to the Operations Center, and attempt to pull off the most difficult mission of their life. As the Marines hammered out the final mission details, Ko'yeh and the other five surviving clan leaders approached the Marines, Miles tensing up.

"My Olo'eyktan... our fallen warriors are many, from many clans, and the time will be long. Our people have never had such before... our normal rituals for our dead... will not be feasible," Ko'yeh said, looking at the other clan leaders who had agreeing expressions. Miles squinted slightly. "We ask you...if we can return our warriors to ash in the ways of old."

Miles' ears turned forward to the clan leaders his eyes betraying his lack of Ash Na'vi awareness and knowledge. Here he was, Olo'eyktan, and he didn't even know what those ways of old were, he thought to himself with frustration.

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