Calm, Part 2

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Miles was so excited for Zu's release day that he got up and out early before she awoke and went up to their new Na'vi accommodation quarters to get her clothing—her original, Ash Na'vi cultural clothing. Miles figured that for comfort and ease with her healing injury, and since her parents were around, Zu would prefer her looser linen top and sarong instead of the recom clothing.

While Miles was in their new quarters he also took time to get himself some coffee from the hot drink machine in their little "kitchen." It had been a long while since he had a cup of coffee, finally feeling in the mood. With his extra-large, Na'vi-sized coffee mug in hand, Miles stood at their common room's huge floor-to-ceiling windows looking out over Bridgehead's morning industry activity. He took a big sip, closing his eyes as the hot, black fake coffee went down his throat. Ahh that's nice.

Just as Miles was about to leave with his mug and Zu's clothing hanging over his left shoulder, Mansk came out, having smelled the coffee.

"Hey Colonel," Mansk spoke with a slight morning voice, grabbing a mug himself.

Mansk didn't actively seek out coffee, but if there was some on hand, sure why not? Most coffee of course in the 22nd century, wasn't coffee at all, coffee beans being among the rarest and most expensive agricultural products on Earth. 99% of coffee was a synthesized powder made to look, smell, and have the caffeine of the real thing. Neither Miles nor Mansk ever had a true cup of coffee in their entire life.

"Good morning, son," Miles replied surprisingly chipper.

Damn, Maybe he just needed his coffee this entire time. Not Zu, just coffee, Mansk amusingly thought.

"Zu's released day," Mansk remarked with a smile, navigating about the counter.

"Indeed it is," Miles replied clearly trying to hold in his unfettered joy.

"I wonder how the meeting with RDA leadership and her parents is gonna go. Did they give a time yet?"

Miles gave an uncertain expression and a quick raise of his eyebrows. "No, not yet. Should be interesting... I imagine they're gonna inquire about the assistance of Ash Na'vi forces... whether or not Zek'arayo and Ka'uwe are interested in such remains to be seen."

Miles then shrugged, closing eyes his for a brief moment. He then remembered how ready for war Ta'zem was, but Zek'arayo and Ka'uwe, despite their great offense over how Zu was injured when he revealed it to them on their Kestrel ride, never explicitly hinted at wanting this. It was anyone's guess how they'd react to a clear ask for war aid.

Mansk just looked down and nodded. He was trying to infer what his Colonel felt about the prospect, but he couldn't get a read on him at this moment.

Miles then asked, "You cookin' for Zu's parents this morning?"

"Actually, we're running pretty low on Ash Na'vi ingredients, so... kind of a good thing that Zu hyped them up for pizza. Hopefully, we'll be able to grab lunch before the meeting."

Miles nodded and curled his lips up slightly, an agreeing and acknowledging expression. He then topped off his mug of coffee and said, "Alright, son. Gonna head back to Zu now."

Mansk nodded.

Miles walked out of their quarters, breather mask around his neck, Zu's clothes on his shoulder, his coffee mug in his right hand. He also found himself appreciating the way Mansk had opened up since they all found themselves survived from the Sea Dragon disaster. He wasn't chatty. He'd never be chatty. But he actually spoke now. And Miles enjoyed speaking with him.

When Miles got back to Zu she was awake and clearly excited. She was sitting up with the support of the raised bed for the first time, the medical worker having come in to lean it up when she removed her IV while Miles was out.

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