Epilogue-A New Mission

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Eleven Years Later

Miles and Zu were asleep in their room resting on their large oval-shaped bed. It was the early morning, the little bit of light that illuminated the interior of their rock-wall-carved home from the outside minimally glowing outside the doorway's curtain. But there was decent space between Miles and Zu, they weren't holding one another. Miles, awoken by his Pandora-attuned circadian rhythm, despite the darkness of the room, opened his big yellow eyes and looked across the bed to see the sleeping face of his beautiful, drooling wife. He then propped his head up on his right hand, elbow bent, and looked down.

Their daughter was sound asleep in front of him, his little four-year-old menace, actually in a peaceful state for once, sleeping on her back. He reached out his left hand and gently rubbed her cheek and she leaned a bit into his hand from her sleep which made Miles smile. He then looked over at Zu and at their four-year-old son who was tightly holding onto her as Zu had her arm wrapped around him. Kid was a mama's boy that's for damn sure.

Miles just smiled at his beautiful family. His perfect wife and his two perfect twins. Every morning since they were born, he felt blessed by Ziye to be able to experience this great joy in life, especially given the tumult of the last decade. Miles, now that peace had been achieved on Pandora, found himself easily able to let go of the thoughts of all that had occurred. Why dwell on that which is now past? Especially with a bright and busy future. Still though, being able to let the thoughts go, didn't mean that light, fleeting ponderings wouldn't occasionally emerge in Miles' mind.

There was the Great War five years ago. A War for the literal future of Pandora. A united front of Na'vi peoples, Tulkun, and Pandoran wildlife the likes of which this moon has never seen and will likely never see again versus the exploitative and colonizing RDA forces. During and after the War there was a massive global outcry on Earth by Pandoran and Na'vi Activist groups and the RDA was finally permanently evicted from the moon by the Na'vi and, with the influence and oversight of Earth Governments, not allowed to return. Pandora was also designated by Earth as the first-ever Exo-Planetary Nature Preserve to protect it.

Of course though, none of this would have happened if the Earth hadn't seemed to be changing course for the better. This being thanks to, and Miles still couldn't believe it, Kiri, Sully's adopted daughter. Grace's immaculately conceived daughter. She saved both Pandora and Earth. And what she did with all that wildlife... Miles still couldn't fathom it... what he cited as some "Eywa shit."

Miles had also to come quietly assess after all these years that Ziye was almost like a young 'version' of Eywa, an isolated "seedling" of sorts relative to Eywa's vast scale, age, and global reach—which is why Ziye was different, yet also similar. How such a hosting spirit tree came to find its way into the interior of a dormant volcano on a volcanic island chain miles from the mainland was anyone's guess.

And Miles still didn't understand how these spirit trees, the same ones as Tìomumutral and Vitrautral, were able to grow on Earth, but they seemed to be the solution to the planet's countless environmental woes, in addition to some Pandoran fungi and microorganisms, and for once things were looking up—at least as touted by the scientists, but he didn't understand the details of how any of that shit worked, it was all a bunch of mumbo jumbo to him.

He was just happy that Earth can positively use Pandora as a help to try and work on itself instead of giving up and coming to exploit it. He also passively learned that Amrita was able to be synthesized and other companies found lifeless planetoids and asteroids which harbored rich deposits of Unobtanium.

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