We meet again.//Pt 2

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[Armys pov]

Me and my team went through several battles to at least get our splatfest titles to Team Money King and Queens +5.. I had grown a headache however. "Alright team, I need a bit to regain my energy and all. You can play without my if youd like." "See you soon Sir!" White sailor said as I left the lobby terminal..

"Ughh.. I have a bad headache.." I groaned as I got away from the crowd and the main place in the Square where the splatfest was.. I found myself wandering into a cafe, it was almost empty to what I saw. I took a seat by the corner of the shop before realizing.. It was that inkling boy again. That beautiful, pretty, handsome Inkling boy.

We stared at eachother again, just like before. Maybe I was going crazy but- I was already in love.. I was too in love. I had already grown the desire to hold and kiss him even though we barely even know eachother.. ^Maybe I am crazy.. Crazy in love.^ I wanted to look away in embarrassment from my own thoughts, yet I couldnt. I was still locked into his eyes.. ^Perfect, cute, handsome, pretty, charming, gorgeous, vibrant... I could make a whole list.. Is- Is that weird?^

My face grew hot as I blushed, this was all happening in front of him too, only making me feel even more embarrassed.. Though im surprised hes still here.. With me.

Hawaiian Punch (AlohaxArmy)Where stories live. Discover now