Hello..?//Pt 11

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[Alohas pov]

I was taking a walk to help ease my mind, Diver was the one who suggested I do so in the first place. "How come Diver gets to already somewhat know him-? How in hell does he know someone that I didnt..?!" I slightly yelled at myself, feeling extremely pissed off now.. I let out a sigh as I look at my current surroundings, it felt familiar.. ^Wait- Is- Is that the cafe from my dream? Hold up..^ My anger was pushed aside with curiosity, I walked a bit faster to the cafe.

"This is definitely it.." I spoke softly, taking notice how it was completely identical to what I saw in my dream. I peered into the window, it had a few people in there already.. One octoling caught my eye. ^No way- No way! Thats.. That has to be Army! He looks the exact way i saw him in my dream! Diver wasnt kidding huh..^ I noticed the octolings eyes, those comforting orange eyes..

^Oh god.. Nono dont get distracted Aloha! He doesnt even actually know you!^ I looked away from the male octolings eyes.. Right. He doesnt know me, nor do I actually know him.. ^What a sick joke..^ My mood was crashed, I let out a heavy sigh before leaving the area of the cafe..

[Armys pov]

I felt a pair of eyes on me while I was drinking my coffee.. I looked around but found no one staring at me.. ^Weird..^

Time skip to like 6pm ykyk

I let out a huge sigh as I finally left the last company building I had to visit.. ^Such a long day..^ I rubbed my eyes as I thought about what to do now, I had finished all the important stuff I had to do today. ^Relaxation.. Maybe the beach would be a nice place to stay at for a bit.^ So now with that set in mind I made my way over to the beach..

The walk there was a bit long but it was relaxing to me.. I let out a relaxed sigh as I walked to the more quieter section of the beach, it was better there than to be in the area where alot of inklings and octolings would be at. ^Phew.. Alright. Im here now.^ Over here was only soft chatter between a few inklings and octolings, it was extremely peaceful. The sky was a pinkish orange, the clouds blending in perfectly..

I was admiring the beauty of the beach before noticing an inkling boy sitting down on the fluffy sand, he had bright pink tentacles and a colorful surf board laying beside him.. ^Why do I feel like I know him..? His aurora feels familiar..^ I got a bit curious so I moved from my current spot to get a better look at the inkling while keeping my distance.. Vibrant pink eyes, full of excitement and happiness.

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