What a terrible, terrible reality.//Pt 8

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[Alohas pov..]

^All so so real..^ I had a huge smirk yet big smile on my face, my fantasy was true.. I wanted to make sure that this was really reality, so I pinched my arm, expecting to feel a sting but-..

^Weird..^ I didnt feel a sting, so i pinched myself again.. Nothing. "Army-? No- Nononono-" Army looked at me blankly, as if he lost all the emotion he had just moments ago.. "You- No.. YOU HAVE TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME-!!" I yelled out, now fully aware that this entire thing.. Was just a huge big lie, a lie that broke my heart into tiny, tiny pieces.

I woke up, now truly in reality. I laid there in my bed, staring blankly into my dark room.. "No.. No no no no no- This- THIS HAS TO BE A FUCKING JOKE!! PLEASE!" I was heart broken.. Did i really have to meet the love of my life in my dreams? ^Is that how cruel reality was going to be to me?^ "Pl-Please.. No- This- This cant be tr-true..!" I broke down into tears, I was furious yet so upset.. "W-Why-?! Why why why?!"

I kept crying out, desperate for an answer of why this happened to me.. It was unfair. Everything was unfair. I was taunted with my own mind, thinking i had finally, just finally met someone, someone that I could love, someone that would love me too.. I had to figure out why this happened to me now, why my mind had hurt me this badly, why I had dreamed about the man of my life now out of all times..

^Why? Just why? I don't understand..^ Was this a sign? A sign of how alone I was going to be? A sign of how im only able to fantasize and rely on my dreams for love? Is that it? Is that what my life is meant to only have? Loneliness? "Why- Just f-fucking why?!" I wanted an answer so badly, yet I knew I wouldnt get one. This was just fate.

Hawaiian Punch (AlohaxArmy)Where stories live. Discover now