A new beginning.//Pt 12. End

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[Alohas pov]

I was startled for a moment, my body tensing up. ^That voice.. It couldn't be-^ I turned my head to look behind me.. The octoling I saw earlier, Army.. I stared at him in total shock, not expecting to see him. I opened by mouth to speak but nothing came out, Army didnt speak either. We just looked at eachother, looking into eachothers eyes.. ^How did he know my name..? Did.. Did we share the same dream-? Are we meant to be?!^

With those thoughts gushing through my head I started to tear up, this entire moment, it was real.. The world felt like it stopped just for me and Army, letting us have this moment to ourselves. ^How- How can this be happening? How s this.. Real?^

I snapped out of my sudden train of thoughts as I felt hot tears running down my face, I quickly looked away as I tried to hide my tears. ^Oh come on- Not now Aloha!^ I was somewhat pissed at myself for crying in front of Army, it was embarrassing.. "Hey A-Aloha? Are you okay?" Army spoke softly as he came up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder, I tried my hardest not to lean onto his hand ^My touch deprived self- Pull yourself together!^

"Aloha?" "H-Huh? Oh yea im okay!" I let out a quiet sigh as I looked back at Army, my eyes still watery.. Army stayed silent afterwards, the silence between us both felt comfortable in a way, but I wanted to break it. "Its- Its really nice to finally meet you.." "I never thought dreams could come true, not up until now at least.." Armys voice was soft as he sat next to me, he kept his hand on my shoulder and his gaze on me..

"I saw you this morning at the cafe.. I was too much of a chicken to speak to you though." I embarrassingly spoke, rubbing my hand behind my neck as I giggled. "I knew I felt someone looking at me, I wish I knew it was you before." I felt blush rise onto my cheeks after Army said that, ^This man.. Hes genuinely so perfect. I love that. I love him, so, so much. We met in a dream, now we meet at the beach, this is our reality. I love it. I love it so much.^

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