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It was around noon when the sons of Gogosoa arrived with Herry. They were gathered in the front of the fort. The freemen were there in their numbers, armed and outraged.

'Commander!' It was their spokesperson, Reindersz. 'Seize the sons of Gogosoa and keep them hostage until our slaves are returned.'

'Stand back. As your Commander I will deal with this matter. Soldiers, arrest the two Hottentoos next to Herry.' The soldiers rushed towards them and pointed their guns at the two men flanking Herry. The Hottentoos, who were there in vast numbers, scattered I different directions when they saw Schacher, Otegno, and another chief of the Caapmen, Osaoa, dragged away.

Herry, visibly shocked and confused at the sudden twist of events stepped up to the Commander. 'What are you doing? This was not what we agreed-'

'We are taking them hostage.'

'That is not why you called them here. You said you wanted to make an agreement about Gogosoa.'

'Enough with the lies and deceit. Their
women were seen taking roasted tortoises to the slaves.'

'That is not true.'

'That is why you were sooo unwilling to search for the runaways. You knew, all along, they were harbouring them. To sell them for a profit. You are a traitor. Vanish from my sight.'

'Where are you taking them?'

'To the surgeon. Leave.'

'If you promise to treat them well, we will make one last search for the slaves.'

His promises did not move the Commander. 'If you know where our slaves are, return them. Or you and those harbouring them will feel the wrath of our anger.'

The sight of Krotoa standing next to the Commander surrounded by weaponed soldiers, unleashed Nommoa's anger.

'It was you!' He pointed his spear at her. 'You advised them to take our people hostage.' The soldiers formed a barrier in front of the Commander and pointed their guns at Nommoa. 'Traitor, I am going to feed you to the lions if I lay my hands on you.'

'How dare you accuse me of such mischief?'

The Commander ordered the soldiers to lower their guns. 'She had no share in this matter. My people witnessed the sights of intimacy between the Hottentoos and the fugitives. Were their eyes deceived?'

'That is what your people say. What proof have you of this claim against us?' Insisted Nommoa.

'Were the fugitives not served roasted tortoise upon arrival? Do you deny this?'

Nommoa hit the ground with his spear. 'That is your proof?' He laughed and addressed the Caapmen. They all laughed.

Their insolent behaviour angered the Commander. He enlisted Krotoa's support. 'Why are they laughing? What is that Batavian Hottentoo telling them?'

She smiled. 'I do not think you will like it, mijnheer.'

'Eva! You will tell me this instant!'

'He said... He said the Caapmen knows the difference between a hissing cobra and the sound of a singing bird.'


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