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“This is our dojo. If you want to practice martial arts, this is where you go.”

The hall was huge. The ceiling was high, pipes in different sizes ran in different directions, seemingly without a system. The walls were plain white, well, more grayish than white, but one part on the left wall was full of handwritten words, partially in languages or signs Jisung couldn’t understand. He wanted to ask Y what this wall was about but his gaze gravitated towards the two people in the center of the dojo.

A woman and a man were in the middle of their training, their fight looking more like a smooth dance, their feet gracefully performing a choreography, their bodies following an inaudible melody. Jisung got completely immersed in following each of their movements.

“Our teacher isn’t here at the moment, but Minnie is one of his best students.”

Hearing her name, the woman stopped the training to look over to the three men next to the entry. Due to his distracted training partner the man also stopped and followed Minnie over to the small group.
While the woman only nodded at them, he smiled after brushing his sweaty hair out of his face.

Jisung’s eyes went wide.
Was he hallucinating?
He was sure he knew this man.

“You- Mister Lee??”

Mister Lee. The office worker who had coordinated Jisung’s and Minho’s annulment process a week ago.
He was here, standing right in front of the dumbstruck male.
Instead of the suit he was wearing a white Gi, a black belt tied around his waist.

“Nice to meet you again. You used the card pretty fast.” The man didn’t stop smiling.

“Wait, you guys know each other? Why does he call you Mister Lee?”
Steve looked almost as perplexed as Jisung, mouth still open, the potato chip in his hand forgotten.

“I currently ‘work’ at the office, that this guy”, he tilted his head in Jisung’s direction, “had to visit, due to the annulation.”

“Ooooh!” Steve’s hand seemed to remember its task and the boy continued eating, satisfied by the man’s answer.
But Jisung wasn’t.

“You don’t really work for the system?”
“That’s right, I don’t. I have worked undercover for six years now. You can call me Rie.”

Jisung nodded, still processing what was happening right now.

“You good? Your face is as pale as the wall.”
Jisung almost forgot the presence of the woman next to Rie.
“Yeah. That just came… unexpected.”
“Well, I guess so. My name’s Minnie. You look good though, white wall.”
“Uh, thank you?”
“You’re welcome.” Saying that she turned around to grab a water bottle from a bench next to the entry. She also wore a black belt, so both of them must be pretty good in jujitsu. The way she moved, like a cat, fascinated and scared Jisung at the same time.

“Just ignore her, she always talks like that. Unless my boss is around”, Steve mocked.
“Shut up, dwarf.”
“Who do you call a dwarf here? You’re the dwarf.”

For Jisung the two looked like the same height but he decided to stay quiet. Better not get involved in a fight here.

“Whatever. Why aren’t you working, huh? Does Zero know that your lazy ass bothers others while they try to do their work?”
“Yes, your precious boyfriend knows indeed. He sent me to look for Red. Who isn’t in the house, apparently.”
“Is that so?” Minnie’s right eyebrow shot up.

“Guys. We are still in the dojo. Calm down.”
“Yes sir.” The two squabblers rolled their eyes in unison, but stayed quiet after Y’s call.

STAY - Against The System | CHOSEN 2 (MINSUNG FF)Where stories live. Discover now